chapter five: the new pack

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this is chapter five,





chapter five:

as i walked with Jace and Johnny we did twenty questions and found out a lot about each other. i learnt things like their favourite colours, favourites foods and i also found out that no one in their pack can cook so most of the time they just order a takeaway. i told myself that i would take over this job seeing as i have been able to cook since the age of nine and still know how to.

when we got to their pack house they opened the door and we went inside. on the sofa in the lounge their sat four guys playing on a PlayStation. no one looked up until Jace said "hey do any of you know where the alpha Chris and Ryan are?"

the closest guy asks "in their office like usual, why do you need hi?" "well we have a rouge and we don't know what to do to her so we need to see him about it" this time Johnny replied.

"oh OK does he look strong and a good fighter?" asked another one of the guys. "she looks really gorgeous and actually quite strong."

"she?? i thought it was a he!"said another one of the guys.

"OK OK we are just going to go up to the alphas office because it looks like she is getting kind of bored waiting on you to stop questioning. OK so Arabella follow me and we will go up to alphas office.

we walked up the stairs and along a few corridors in this massive mansion, until we came to a door. Johnny knocked on the door and we heard a "come in" so Johnny opened the door and we walked inside. at the desk sat two men looking over a map set in front of them.

"alpha Chris we found this rouge out in the woods and so we brought her back her for you to decide what we do to her." said Johnny in a polite tone. they both look up at the same time when there was a mention of a rouge. the look of surprise or shock was clearly on their faces.

alpha Chris said harshly "rouge why where you on my land? we have not given you permission to be on this land!" "i was running through but i haven't really slept int a week so i stopped by a tree to sleep for a bit but i didn't know this was any ones land. i don't even know where i am anymore. i lost track of everything days ago. i am so sorry i am on your land if you let me i will just leave." i replied quietly.

Ryan asked "where were you going anyway?" "i was running from my old pack so i started running on Monday on my birthday and just kept running only eating rabbits and  small deer and sleeping every now and again." i replied. "why are you running from your pack?" asked the alpha. "because thy have been horrible to me since i was ten and i finally got a excuse to leave so i did." was my reply to this.

the alpha and Ryan looked at each other as if they were talking in their mind links. they nodded at each other then looked back at me. "we would like you to join our pack, you look like if you had a bit of practise you could be a great fighter for he pack." the alpha said to me. i asked excitedly "really you would let me stay here with you!" "yeah of course, now Johnny please take Arabella up to the spare room upstairs and let her now where it is then take her to Carly so they can discuss going shopping tomorrow for some clothes."

me, Johnny and Jace left the room and went up the stairs to the third floor. we went down a corridor and they told me who's room is who. they stopped at one door and opened it. it was a gorgeous room, just like the room in my dreams. i was absolutely gobsmacked. i went and sat on the soft bed and just looked around the room. there were two doors in the room, one I'm guessing is the bathroom then the other probably a wardrobe as their isn't another wardrobe in the room.

after we went downstairs to look for Carly. we found her in the kitchen making herself a sandwich. Johnny said "hey Carly alpha told us to come and ask you if tomorrow can you take Arabella shopping for some clothes as she only has one pair." "yes of course dear, hello Arabella I'm guessing your the gal that all the boys are talking about." Carly said. "yeah i guess I'm the only new gal so i guess that would be me. not to seem rude or anything but would it be alright if i went to bed because i only had about an hours sleep this morning." i asked politely. "yes of course dear, just  go straight."

i went up to my room and shut the door after me. i lied down on the bed after setting my alarm and fell asleep after a tiring day.


i hope you liked it.





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