Chapter 9: Dying Wish

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Author's Note: Things are going to get crazy and from here guys. You'll see what I mean when you read the whole chapter. All I can say is poor Hikaro! (As usual, RIP) Not sure if this chapter counts as a plot twist but it still gets pretty crazy. Of course not as crazy as the finale, but yeah you get the point lol. Please enjoy the ride! ~ Dana


We were all unprepared for what happened that day. I woke up in the cabin that Iroh let me keep when he went back into the spirit world. When suddenly, I heard several huge explosions from far away. I immediately jumped out of bed and ran outside to see what it was. More huge explosions were going off at the cities, so I flew as fast as I could to the nearest city to see what exactly was happening.

When I arrived, I saw Saiyans attacking the city and fighting other Saiyans. I literally had no idea who started it all and tried to stop the fighting. I saw from above a little Saiyan girl standing in the middle of the street crying while the Saiyans around her were fighting. I flew over to her and when I landed she saw a Saiyan woman and cried out, "Mommy! Mommy!" The little girl ran over to to woman and gave her a hug. The woman looked down at the little girl with a blank face. The girl looked up at the woman and questioned with big eyes, "....mommy?"

Then my eyes widened when I saw the woman choking the little girl. It happened all too fast. In seconds the girl's neck snapped and the woman dropped her like it was nothing. I was so confused but I ran over to the woman and yelled, "Why would you kill your own daughter!?" The woman stared at me with that same expressionless face. Then I saw coming out of an alley the same woman, but this one was incredibly beaten up. She collapsed to the ground and saw the little girl. She whispered as her last dying words, "My little girl.....I'm sorry I couldn't protect you. Please forgive me."

And then it hit me. "Alterers. Alterers are attacking!!!" Boy, saying that out loud was a BIG mistake. Every Alterer nearby that heard what I said stopped attacking the citizens and headed for me. "Oh shit!" I flew off as fast as I could, but the ten of them all flew after me. They were catching up to me too quickly. They were so fast! One of them grabbed my left leg and were pulling me. "No! Let me GO!" I swung my arms back and fired sharp metal blades at the Alterer's hands, which then they were sliced off. The Alterer cried out in pain and got left behind. I flew even faster but they got faster too and all started firing ki blasts at me. I turned around while still flying and deflected all their ki blasts back at them. Four of the nine were a critical hit and they were left behind now.

Five were still after me, and then it got even worse. They all merged together and became one big Alterer monster thing! "Fuck! Rrrrrgh, HAAAAA!!!!" I did a super explosive energy wave and the giant Alterer got blown all the way back to the city and crashed landed into it. I stopped and took a moment to breathe. I was panting and terrified as hell. "What the fuck! I don't understand! Why would Alterers attack the Saiyans? Did we attack them first? I need to find out. But..." I looked around and more explosions were going off all over. There was no way I could stop this.

But I knew what I needed to do. "Mom! Dad! I need to make sure they're okay!" I knew that the flight home was going to take awhile, but I flew the fastest I could. It was terrifying to see all this mass destruction happening below. It was like hell. I saw the city that I first arrived at all those months ago, burning and burning. When I passed by the university I heard the screams of students at the mercy of the Alterers. Those students that I met were fighting for their lives. But I kept flying. As much as I wanted to help them, I just...didn't. I was horrified of the whole situation. Was this the great evil that Iroh warned me about? No, it couldn't be. Iroh said it was going to happen three years from now. Unless the Alterers decided to attack early. My mind was going as fast as I was flying. I couldn't figure it out, so I just kept going until I reached home.

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