Chapter 11 Alternative Ending

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Author's Note:
I've been seeing so many posts online about The Legend of Korra coming to Netflix; it's really exciting and has inspired me to look back at The History of Hikaro, my most popular piece of writing on Wattpad! This writing is an alternate ending to Chapter 11: Apex & Resolution. It actually was one of the endings I considered, but ultimately decided against so I could fit the Komatsu and Hikaro talking in the fire realm scene. I basically had to make a choice: Did I want Hikaro to get a good glimpse of Komatsu's power, what he's capable of? Or did I want Hikaro to see this vulnerable side of Komatsu, the side that he doesn't show anyone else, except Hikaro?

I chose the latter. Looking back, there was a reason for this; at that time, I was beginning to develop Komatsu's twin brother. It was in the very early stages, it was more of a general idea in mind. A general feeling of his character, I didn't even have a name yet or an idea of what he would look like. The design didn't come until way later, but looking back I wanted Komatsu to show this vulnerable side to Hikaro, those eyes that are begging for something. Those eyes, Komatsu's eyes, were begging for a significant other. Another half, a twin flame. Something to fill his heart with a substitute for his twin brother.

Komatsu truly did care for Hikaro, but he felt hurt and betrayed when Hikaro spilled his secret about the Alterers. He trusted Hikaro. And it eventually turned into an obsession. He killed Hikaro's parents, telling them, "If I can't have Hikaro, then no one can." He didn't want anyone else to have Hikaro, to love Hikaro. He was selfish, wanting Hikaro all for himself.

If I had gone with my initial idea of him fighting Kuvira and sending a warning to Hikaro and the others, it just isn't the same. He would be seen more as the typical villain, powerful yes, but typical.

So that's why I decided to go for this idea. And yes, I also thought of the ending from the motion comic, but that ending has the same feeling as the one with Komatsu vs Kuvira, which you will see here.

Either way, I hope you enjoy this piece of writing! I'll be copying and pasting chapter 11 and cut up to the point that the story is changed. I'm pretty much writing this all in one go, so forgive me if it's a bit all over the place. Early morning writings are always fun to do. ~ Dana


Hikaro, Caulifla and Kale were traveling through time and space towards their destination: Iroh's universe. They all waited in silence, all wondering what this great evil was. They knew that this evil was from their universe, but didn't know what it could be, or who it could be. They could see a light at the end of the dark space and they got closer to it each second. Once they finally reached the light, they found themselves on the outskirts of a city. It appeared to be mid-afternoon. They then exited the time/space machine.

"Huh, this world kinda looks like Earth." Said Caulifla.

Kale looked around at her surroundings and added, "Yeah, except for these vines all over the place."

Hikaro looked around as well, then turned to the two of them and said seriously, "This is Earth, but the Earth of my mentor's world. And, the Earth that my father was born on."

Caulifla and Kale both looked at each other, then they all suddenly heard what sounded like a ki beam go off at the heart of the city. The whole ground trembled and they had to balance themselves so they wouldn't fall over.

Hikaro said quickly, "That must be where the great evil is! Let's go!" Hikaro immediately flew off to the heart of the city and Kale and Caulifla followed.

As Hikaro, Kale and Caulifla were flying towards the center of Republic City, Korra and Kuvira were duking it out inside the Colossus. Both were beginning to grow tired, but neither stopped fighting. Suddenly, the Colossus began to violently shake and both Kuvira and Korra were thrown off balance. The Colossus exploded and broke in half, causing everyone inside to fall down to the ground. It was a long hard fall, causing Kuvira to be knocked out and Korra barely hanging onto consciousness. Bolin and Mako were also knocked out cold.

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