Chapter 1: Distant Memories

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I remember having good memories as a kid. My mother, Maize, and my father, Zokan, loved me very much. They took care of me and taught me to defend myself when I was very little. I remember learning how to fight at the age of five. My mother taught me how to use ki and my father taught me how to earth bend and metal bend. I picked up metal bending fairly quickly growing up. Though there were some things I didn't understand. I couldn't understand why I was born without a tail, and that my father wasn't either. They told me I was a Saiyan and that not having a tail isn't anything to be ashamed of. All the other kids had tails, but I didn't. I got picked on by those kids because of that. But I'd always beat them up and they'd stop for awhile. I got over it by the time I was ten.

I remember being able to fly when I was eleven. My parents had been teaching me to fly ever since I was seven, but I just couldn't pick it up right away. Once again, the other kids picked on me - but as you'd probably expect, I gave them a good beating.

Another thing I didn't understand was that me and my father were the only ones that knew how to earth bend and metal bend. The other kids used telekinesis to move the elements, but it wasn't the same. I just had this... connection to earth and metal. I could just feel it. The other kids thought my earth bending and metal bending was useless compared to ki techniques and moves. I proved them wrong by beating the strongest bully with just my bending.

I don't remember having any friends growing up as a teenager. My family and I moved to a different part of the district because those kids would bother me even more than before. I didn't go to fighting school as a teen. I was homeschooled and my father taught me other things like how to create metal from earth and how to craft metal armor. I wasn't the best at crafting armor, I actually sucked at it to be honest.

But my father was persistent. I eventually became good at it thanks to my father's encouragement. Well, the armor I made looked good, but it wasn't as good as my father's armor crafts. I guess not all things get passed down. That's another thing. My father and I were the only ones who wore armor that could be manipulated by bending. The traditional Saiyan armor and clothing wasn't meant to altered or used as a weapon in battle.

And then, when I finally turned eighteen, my father gave me a gift. He gave me an armor that I still wear to this day. The armor he gave me was made of special metal made from the rock found deep at the center of the planet. My mother gifted me a fighting outfit that I fell in love with. It's the one I wear today.

What I didn't except, was that my parents had expected me to live on my own now. I was shocked. I didn't want to leave my parents. They were all I had. I had no friends or anything. I had nothing. Nothing but my armor and the clothes on my back that they gave me. I asked them if I could stay home for at least another month. To spend some time with them a little longer. They agreed.

Things weren't the same during that month. At dinner, they gave each other mean glares and were silent. One night I asked them what was wrong, and my mother told me not to worry. That they have been just arguing a bit recently. I asked her and him what they have been arguing about, and my father quickly said that it's parent talk and that I don't need to know. I told him that I was an adult now and that I had the right to know. My father got angry and yelled, "If you think you're an adult, then how come you couldn't move out!? We raised you as a Saiyan warrior! You should be able to tend for yourself!" I felt hurt by what he said, but then I said to him, "But you didn't raise me as a Saiyan warrior. Not like the other kids. I am different from everyone else. I know I'm a Saiyan, but I don't feel like a Saiyan. Mom raised me more like a Saiyan than you did! Is there something wrong with me?" They both didn't say anything for a few moments. My mother said in a sweet voice, "Sweetie, why don't you just go to bed? It's getting late." I didn't know what else to say, so I just did what she told me and went to bed.

I couldn't sleep at all that night. I was laying in bed thinking and thinking about who I was, or what I was. I decided that I guess it really was time to leave my parents. I got up that night around 3 AM and wrote a note. It said, "To my loving parents, I now know that it really is time to leave. Because if you two won't give me answers about me, then I'll have to find those answers myself. I love you both very much. Love, Hikaro." I left that note at the kitchen counter as soon as I finished writing it.

I packed my backpack with my clothes, bed sheets and blankets, and wore the armor and clothes that my parents gave me. I left home through my bedroom window and just started flying into the night sky. I didn't know where to go, I just started flying. I passed by the homes of everyone I knew, including those mean kids. Of course some of them had already left home by then, but still, I felt pain. I felt lost. Alone.

But at the same time, I saw new places, places I haven't seen due to staying in my home all my life. I was kind of excited. I looked back at my now previous home and saw how small it was from up in the sky. That made me realize something. Home is just a small part of my life. There's so much more to life than just this.

I was beginning a new chapter of my life. I looked forward, the moon shining brightly in the cool night sky. I smiled and said to myself, "It's time to find a new home, make some friends, and enjoy this new life." I felt a high energy and happiness that I've never felt before. I laughed and zoomed through the sky at a high speed. I didn't know where I was going, but I was going, and that's all that matters.

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