21: They Call Her Chris' New Girl

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"I really want to kiss you right now," Clarkson squeezes me tightly. "I swear Love, you are everything."

I laugh softly into his shoulder. "I knew you'd be happy."

"I cannot believe you actually went through with it," Penelope raises her brows at me, standing solid in her heels behind Clarkson.

"Well, I figured since it'd be mutual, despite either of us stating anything aloud, then there's no harm in pleasing the public," I shrug in Clarkson arms.

"I never thought I'd see the day you and Chris Logan become official," Clarkson finally lets go with a sigh. "My dreams have come true."

"Are you sure you want to go through with this?" Penelope asks with a skeptical look on her fresh face.

I fall back, laying flat against my bed. "There's no going back now. I already said yes in front of the cameras. Besides, we're both doing it for our own personal gain. And there are...some feelings there."

"That's all you need," Clarkson slaps my thigh. "That's the very basis of every relationship."

"You are literally the worst person to get any type of relationship advice from," Penelope rolls her eyes at him. "Love, make sure you know what you're getting yourself into. Relationships take a lot of work and compromise. Are you ready for that?"

I shrug, "Chris doesn't seem to be a clingy and uptight person. I certainly won't be. This is one of those publicity relationships - haven't you worked with one of those before?"

"Yes," She bites her lip, "And I know how badly they end, which is why I'm worried."

"Relax, P," Clarkson coaxes to her, "This is merely an innocent high school relationship. They usually don't last anyway."

"Fine, fine, fine," She rolls her eyes. "Do you want this going to the press? 'Cause I can start booking interviews now."

"Sure," I shrug again. "Whatever floats your boat."

"Speaking of boats, is Chris taking one to get here? It's already six-thirty," Clarkson moves over to the window and peeks outside.

"He's probably gassing up," I say. "The lake is about an hour away."

"Do your parents know you're going?" Penelope asks.

"I don't know. They haven't spoken to me since the beginning of the week and I doubt they'd even want to know," I answer with a sigh. "I can't wait to get out of here. I feel imprisoned."

"They're just being parents. Dealing with teenagers is a lot harder than it looks," Penelope says.

"We're really not. We have two simple desires - to eat pizza and hangout with friends. Is that too much to ask?"

"You bought a car and a house within two weeks of each other. I'm pretty sure that's more than simple desires," Penelope scoffs at me.

Okay, I deserved that. "Well, in case you haven't noticed, I am a special case."

"Quit bickering - he's here," Clarkson hisses at us. "He's brought some friends too."

My eyes widen as I jerk my body forward off the bed. I was hoping the car ride to the lake would allow Chris and I to have some alone time in order for me to prepare myself for what I know is going to be an eventful night.

"Who?" I ask aloud, pushing the curtain aside and peering out the window. Sure enough, I see AJ, Will, and Pete peeking their heads out the car windows as Chris makes his way to the front door. The music in the car is playing loudly and their dancing is causing it to rock back and forth.

They Call Her Love | ✔️Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon