15: They Call Her Bored

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"I never thought this would happen to me..."

I cringe at the sound of my own voice blaring through the speakers of the TV. My family, Darcy, Jagger, with Penelope, Clarkson, and I are seated in various parts of the living room, watching the first episode that has just premiered on one of those reality TV networks. The contents of this episode are the first week of filming at school, Friday night at Caleb's house, the party, and last but certainly not least, the makeover.

I was a bit nervous when images from the party started splashing across the screen because I didn't know how my parents would react. They've been busy with expanding CrunchTime to the West Coast that they haven't had time to pay too much attention to my newfound fame. They haven't established any set of ground rules - was I allowed to go to parties regularly? Did it matter what time I came home? I figured my situation called for a lick of freedom, more than I was already granted.

Which is none, in case you were wondering.

To my, and everyone else's shock, they seemed perfectly fine watching their millionaire daughter tossing a perfect beer pong throw to victory. The visual editors did a great job of blurring out any inappropriate material, which may have added to my parents’ eased expressions.

The makeover wasn't a surprise to my mom who, repeatedly, commented on how she had always wanted to take me in for a haircut but gave up after I absolutely refused. She was telling the truth of course, and it didn't surprise me at all when she was close to tears at my revelation.

Then came the confessionals. They played throughout the episode - totally Kardashian like - but they hadn't gone through Darcy's or Jagger's and I was at the edge of my seat anticipating to hear what they had to say.

"I didn't think much of her addiction to lottery tickets," Jagger's face suddenly flashes on the screen. "It was her hobby. Kinda like me with music and Darcy with fashion."

Then it cuts to Darcy's face that's pale but in a geisha like fashion with her bright red lipstick and dark winged eyeliner. "When we figured out that she won, we lost it. Not in a million years did I ever expect my best friend to win."

"Love was already cool before but now, she's the coolest person I've ever met," Jagger's freckled face reappears. "I honestly can't wait until she gets me that guitar I've always wanted..."

I roll my eyes at Jagger who fist pumps the air from his place on the carpet.

"I don't know what Love would buy - maybe a totally sick pair of Christian Louboutins? For me, of course, since she doesn't wear heels," Darcy's voice echoes through the room.

"I'm dead serious about that, by the way," Darcy says to me now, staring expectantly.

I can't help but laugh at my best friends who have taken complete humor in this situation. It's comforting to know that in the most dramatic of times, they haven't changed one bit. In conclusion, I'm satisfied with the first episode. From everyone's applause once the credits start rolling, I can guess they feel the same.

"Well, I have to say that the show is great Love!" Mom exclaims. "I can't wait to tell my friends about this!"

"Love, you seemed a bit to...uh, close, to this Chris boy," Dad turns to me. Everyone's head slowly rolls to my direction. "I assume he'll pick you up for this date you have?"

"We're just friends dad," I blush wildly. "It's a casual...date."

Darcy snickers and Faith giggles into her palm.

"Jack, let her date, Lord knows you had plenty during your time at Thompson," Mom, surprisingly defends me.

"Wow," I respond to this rare moment. "Thanks mom."

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