I can now call you mine ~

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You and Jake have been quite close since your best friend introduced him to you. You feel a strong connection with him but don't know how he feels.

Your POV:

Laying on my bed trying to drift off into a sleep, I can't keep my mind off Jake. We've known each other probably about a year and a bit and have been fairly close since my best friend introduced us. Pretty sure I fell in love with his bright blue eyes the first moment I looked into them. Oh they way they sparkled. His smile too, just brought joy to any dull moment.

I closed my eyes and rolled over. Eventually I fell asleep and the last thing on my mind was Jake.

What felt like minutes later I awoke. I rubbed the sleep from my eyes before rolling over and looking at my phone, which was laying on the bedside table. A few notifications popped up.

Mum: Hi darling, hope you're doing well? I'm babysitting little Tommy today, if you wanted you could pop over only if you're free? If not we will have to go out for lunch some time soon. Love you x

Laura (best friend): Hey girl ! How you doing ? Hope today goes well ;) xx

"Hope today goes well" what could that mean?

I looked through my other notification before replying to Laura.

Me: Hey !! I'm doing good thank you, how about you? Also what do you mean hope today goes well? xx

Laura: I'm doing good myself thank you. Oh no reason, just hoping you have a good day xx

Me: Okay, well I hope your day goes well too xx

I locked my phone before heading to the bathroom. I took a quick shower before getting ready and doing my hair and makeup. I put my phone in my pocket and went downstairs.

10 minutes later my phone buzzed. I looked at the screen and smiled.

Jake: Hey Y/n, you doing anything today? X

Me: Hiya, nope nothing planned why? X

Jake: Great ! Can I pick you in 5? X

Me: Sure, see you in 5 X

I haven't seen Jake in a while as he's been away with work. I was so excited to see him, it felt like forever since I last did.

Moments later the door rang. I opened it and smiled as soon as I saw him. He gave me a massive hug and picked me up slightly in his strong arms, making me squeal.

"I've missed you!" I said excitedly

"Me too, it's been ages." He replied

"Come in," I said

He stepped into the house and I closed the door behind him.

"You look gorgeous." he said with a grin

I smiled at him.

"Thank you Jake."

There was a moment of silence. Looking into his blue eyes gave me butterflies and his cute smile made me smile. The atmosphere was a little awkward but it wasn't too bad. Ugh ! This boy drives me insane but I doubt he'd ever ask me out, it would ruin our friendship. I've been dying to tell him how I feel for ages but I don't have the confidence too, I'm scared he'll reject me and never speak to me again. Laura has known I've liked him for a while even before I knew myself. My mind always wanders back to him, no matter where I am, he's always in the back of my mind.

"Y/n, can we talk?" He said a little nervous

"Sure" I said and told him to sit next to me

What is he going to tell me? He has a girlfriend and they getting married and wants me to be at the wedding? Or he doesn't want to be friends with me anymore? Or he's moving somewhere completely different and will never see me again ?! Oh please not that, not any of them!

My heart was racing. We've had deep conversations before but this time I was scared.

"Okay, as I've been away working on my recent film I've had, not a lot of time but some time to think. And I thought about... about you, a lot. I missed you so much whilst I was away and it made me realise how much you mean to me and how much I want you in my life. So please y/n, will you be my girlfriend?"

I was in shock. I had a huge grin on my face and probably looked so stupid but I didn't care.

"Will you y/n...?"

"Yes!" I nodded my head and threw my arms around him.

He pulled me onto his lap and hugged me back. I pulled back and looked into his gorgeous eyes.

"I didn't think you felt the same way."

"I didn't think you did! I was so nervous coming here but I've wanted to ask you for ages and now it was all worth it, I can now call you mine. So glad I talked to Laura about this." He said and he tucked a strand of hair behind my ear.

So Laura knew. That's why she sent me that message.

He leaned in and we locked lips. It felt magical. I never would have thought this was actually going to happen. I pulled away and smiled at him, stroking my finger across his cheek. I kissed him once more before climbing off him and texting Laura the news.


This is my first story/ imagines. Please carry on reading and voting! Hope you enjoy. Thank you!

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