Looking after the brats

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Tenshi's POV:
I ran out of the infirmary with the medicines in hand as the cashier came out yelling "thief!!".

I rolled my eyes, 'Who the fuck pays 80 for just two bottles of medicine?' I kept running dodging the guards as I ran through Gray Terminal and into the forest. I ran around the tree lines making sure to go in different directions in order to lose anyone following. Then I turned and ran towards the right direction.

Panting I made it to the treehouse and climbed the rope. I made it up panting harder but ignore the burn in my lungs. 'It's been a while since I've ran like that'

I quickly ran into the room seeing Sabo taking care of a heavily panting Ace as I dropped to the ground next to him. Luffy who looks ready to cry as I immediately ordered Sabo to,

"Help him sit up, I'm giving him medicine"

Sabo immediately lifts Ace up into a sitting position as Ace stares tiredly at me, I then took out the medicine and came closer to him as I placed the bottle to his lips. He scrunches his face as I ordered,

"Drink a bit"

He reluctantly does, Sabo on the other hand looks eternally grateful towards me as I then helped Ace lay back down. I capped the medicine and put it away. I covered Ace with the blanket as he stares at me in confusion,

"Why are you helping me?"

I merely say "I've grown on you boys,"

He then says, "why the hell would you care? We-"

"You act negative then your life will slowly turn negative" I said cutting him off and walking over to my backpack placing the medicine away. Sabo walks towards me smiling a bit, I can hear Ace growl and say,

"You don't understand"

I turn towards him and say "I do, I chose to help you. I chose to care. I willingly chose, I'm doing this because I want to"

His face scrunches up as I then went back dunking the towel into the water and squeezing the excess. I then placed it on his head and notice his eyes. They hold a lot of sadness, he then spoke,

"If you find out my-"

"I would do nothing but laugh it off" I then pointed towards Sabo and say, "he's a noble, Luffy's gramps is a crazy marine and you Ace, I don't know and I don't really care. I only judge when I get to know them" I say nothing about Luffy's father as he doesn't really know who he is and it'll be suspicious and also lying about not knowing Ace's father.

Ace lays there thinking, he then glances towards Sabo and Luffy. Sabo gets the hint and takes Luffy saying that they should fine something to eat. They leave as I then paid attention to Ace. Ace fidgets under my stare but I gave him a smile easing him as he sighs looking away,


He stops for a moment before looking at me straight in the eyes and asked,

"What would happen if Gol D. Roger had a son?"

I smiled and answered, "if he had a son, I'd travel the world just to meet him and get to know him, the guy probably been through hell and back. He's probably lonely....so I'd get to know him, and when I do. I'd be his friend" I then look up into the sky and say,

"My name literally means angel, and since people call his father the devil, then he'd be a demon" Ace looks ready to hit me until, "that's why I'll be his angel, to watch over and make sure his inner demons never catch up. I'll be his guardian, not only that I'd be the very thing he needs the most" Ace's eyes show many emotions as they get glassy. I then grin and say,

I'm in One Piece!?!? (One Piece fanfiction)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin