Trust me

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Tenshi's POV:
I gave Sabo a smile as he avoids eye contact, I then sit against the wall and waved him over as he cautiously came a bit closer sitting down.

"Go on" I encourage as he looks away before asking,

"Why did you help?"

I blinked, before shrugging. He glared and asked,

"Do you want something from us?"

I shook my head and said "no" he sighed and asked again,

"Then why help? You could have just left us"

I then stared at him and said "Sabo, I'll tell you honestly," he pays attention, "I don't like seeing kids alone and unattended to, and if I ignored them when it's obvious they need someone to keep an eye on them, it makes me feel.... bad" he stares at me and says

"But we can take care of ourselves"

"True you can," Then I pointed towards him, "I know you can because you have each other. But if one of you were alone or if one of you left the other two on their own. You all can easily fall apart" he frowns at this as I continue,

"You all may not realize it, but you depend on each other" I then lifted both hands up saying "it's pretty damn obvious that you all need each other".

"But you don't need to look after us" Sabo grits out,

"True I don't," He tenses as I say this, but I continue, "Yet, when we coincidentally met up every now and then, I start to wonder 'what are those brats up to?' And without even realizing it," I then look out the window admiring the stars. I smiled and say "I want to"

I heard a light gasp but I pretended not to hear as I continue, "You and the boys may not want me around, but if you're ever in a jam, I'll be there. Well I can't promise I'll be there in the exact minute but I'll be there somehow".

"But we barely know each other" Sabo said voice full of emotion, "how can you care about three kids who don't matter?"

"Now that attitude is a fall to misery," I state as he gazed down to the floor, "Sabo, sometimes you don't need others to tell you that you matter, you look at yourself, you learn about yourself and you change what you don't like. Then you learn to care for yourself, slowly but surely you'll know your own worth someday, whether someone tells you that or not, that's your decision". Sabo looks at a lost of words, emotions swimming around his eyes as he stares at me,

"You act negative then your life will slowly turn negative, that's just how it is" he takes in these words deeply I then answer his previous question,

"As for barely knowing each other, well Sabo, Luffy barely knows me yet he trusts me already. Plus we have time to get to know each other" I said staring at him waiting for his answer. He looks conflicted, yet relieved of heavy weight. He then glanced at me then looked back down as he played with his coat shyly saying,

"Can we....get to know...each other?" His face goes red as I grinned and leaned back saying,

"Atta boy!!" His face turns more red as I continue,

"Let's get this started easily!" I then did a mocking bow saying "Good evening, Kurosawa Tenshi at your service!". Sabo had an amused smile before following along returning the bow saying "Good evening to you as well Gentlemen, the names....Outlook Sabo, please treat me well!"

I grinned as we both sat up from our bows as I then said "well my fine young lad! Ask away any questions at your mind about me!! I shall do my very best to answer!!" I gave a salute as Sabo begins to laugh a bit. He then thinks for a moment before asking,

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