Getting shit done

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Tenshi's POV:
-flashback age:8-
It was raining, it was always raining when something bad happened. Mom was holding my hand tightly, she was wearing a hoodie but I could see them. The bruises on her face and most likely all over her body. I had one on my face that covered the bottom of my right eye to my cheek. I wore my yellow raincoat and rain boots. Mom walked towards a store and placed me in front of it giving me my favorite action figure saying,

"Wait here for Mommy, I'll be back" while she said this I noticed her voice was shaking and her eyes were glassy. I reached up touching her bruised cheek as I asked,


Reluctantly, she takes my hand off her face and enters the store. I stood there for a moment staring at the door until turning my attention towards my action figure. It was my favorite from the company LEGO called Bionicle. These were always my favorite...

The rain begins to pour harder as I stare at the sky before a boom shakes through. I flinch and try to ignore it...

I waited...

I change the position of my toy.

I waited...

'Mommy hasn't come out yet...'

I waited...

My stomach rumbles..
The sky had changed colors to a red orange meaning the sun was coming down, despite this the rain hasn't stopped. I still stood there clutching the toy in my hands. The door opens to the store and I looked up happily about to call my mom before realizing it was the owner of the store. He looks at me and frowns, his eyes saddening the minute he sees the bruise on my face. He walks towards me crouching down and says in a firm voice,

"Kid, why you still here?"

I then awkwardly shuffle my feet and say "Mommy is still inside, she said to wait"

"Mom?" The guy mumbled before his eyes widen then his mouth frowns and eyes staring at me pityingly,

"Kid, your mom left through the back door"

I immediately protested saying "No she didn't!! Mommy said to wait for her here, so I'm waiting till Mommy comes!!" His face scrunches up, but he sighs and suggests,

"How about I wait here with you for a couple hours until your mother shows?" My eyes gleam at this until he continues, "If she doesn't show in these next couple of hours, I'm taking you to the police".

Sadly I nodded, but I shook my head determined my mother would come. I noticed the rain never stopped the man took out an umbrella opening it covering the both of us.

We waited..

'I know she'll come back!!'

We waited....

'Mommy has to!!'
We waited...

'Please come back!'
We waited....

We waited.....

We waited..

The man frowned knowing what just happened. I clutched my toy, lips shaking as tears well up.

We waited....
He stands up and holds out his hand for me to take. I take it while tears fall from my eyes.

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