The Mystic Grill sucks ass

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Amber's POV

"So..." I drawled, smiling innocently at Klaus, who sat in the armchair beside mine, "now that you have your family back and you have the 'happily ever after' thing that people look for, can I go? I mean, who wants Hybrids when you have Mikaelsons?"

"No sweetheart." He said flatly, he didn't even take a glance at my pouting face. All he continued to do was draw in that artbook of his.

"Oh come on!" I groaned into the cushion. I turned away from him, pursing my lips. If I couldn't leave permanently, then I should change my tactic. "Hey Klaus?"


I glared at him, "you didn't even know what I was going to say!"

"I didn't need to love," he mused, "the answer is no."

"Don't be like that brother," said a new voice. I faced the entry-way. Standing in a loose dark grey long sleeved shirt, with black jeans, was Kol. A smirk was placed on his lips as he walked into the living room. The Original fell back into the leather couch across from me. "Let the girl talk."

I rose an expected eyebrow at Klaus, waiting for him to agree.

Sadly, I was wrong.

"Kol," he started easily, looking at him. Oh so he looks at his brother and not me, I thought grumpily, because that's fair. "Don't involve yourself in things that do not concern you."

I cut in, figuring this was my chance, "I was actually going to ask that because I'm obviously not out of the deal with the blood thing, I was just wondering if I could go out into Mystic Falls. I never got the chance to do so before someone smashed into my car." I said, my voice became dark with rage by the time I had finished my sentence. Someone will definitely die for that, I thought.

Klaus sighed, he was obviously over my nagging. "Fine."

I smiled, "Yay!" I cheered, "I mean, fine whatever."

The Hybrid rolled his eyes.


"For some reason," I started, raising my eyebrows in a frown, "I kind of thought this place would be a little more..." I cleared my throat, "well, better."

"Nonsense, the drinks are brilliant." Klaus smirked, pulling me toward the bar.

I turned my head to glance at Kol, who'd tagged along. "Is he always like this?" I asked.

Kol shrugged, a smirked appearing on his lips as he walked behind us, "when he isn't daggering us."

Whow, that's depressing, I thought, making a face. Klaus sat down at the bar, pulling me into the one beside him. I sighed, resisting my sudden urge to tell him off, saying I could clearly sit in a seat without his assistance. But unlike others I'd rather not name, I picked up on the whole 'don't defy me in public' vibe that literally all powerful beings give off.

Not sure how most people seem to miss it...

Klaus and Kol ordered their preferred alcohol whilst I, on the other hand, took in my surroundings with defined detail. Being a hunter, it was literally drilled into me to assess each individual object or person within the place I enter.

For example, last night I had skimmed through guarded blueprints of the towns building set outs. I had burrowed Klaus' laptop to do this, he has yet to find this piece of information out. This is obviously how I know about the ancient tunnels running below the town.

Which can be accessed through several ways.

One included the Mystic Grill.

My eyes landed on a man three seats away. He was in his mid-thirties, sandy blond, brown hair with what I'm assuming was hazel coloured eyes.

Since the moment we entered, his eyes hadn't stopped flickering from the three of us to the brunette lady sitting beside him.

Who was just an empty seat away.

"Klaus," I muttered lowly, twisting to face the front of the bar again. I wasn't going to be obvious and face the Hybrid as I talked. "What's with the dude to my left."

He paused, turning to easily look over me at them. "Hello Alaric, fancy seeing you here."

"What the hell do you want Klaus?"

I silenced my scoff, obviously this Alaric was one of the people ignoring all natural instincts. Like being an ass to much more powerful beings.

"I want nothing," he smirked. Klaus lent back slightly as Kol leaned forward against the bar, grinning at Alaric and the woman he was with. "I'm just grabbing a drink at the local bar with my brother. Kol, this is Alaric, the ex hunter turned best friend of Damon Salvatore."

"Hmm, you have horrible instincts mate." Kol mused.

Ex hunter?

I frowned, not being informed of this by my contact caused annoyance to spark.

I'd been aware of the towns history, about the Vampires, yet why Alaric had decided to disregard whatever caused his desire to hunt the monster in the first place, to just become 'besties' with someone one such as Damon.

Alaric glared at the Originals.

Whoever the brunette was had been looking at me, and I being who I was, didn't like being stared at for no reason. "Are you right?" I asked her, purposely turning to face her as I tilted my head.

"What? Uh-" the woman stumbled with her words, she obviously realised she'd been caught and didn't quite know what to say. It amused me on a small level. "You know what, I'm-I'm sorry, it's just you look a lot like someone I know and I didn't mean to stare but it's just so uncanny! I just-"

"Yes I'm quite aware that Elena and I look... Alike." I'd cut her off, the woman's ranting had been a tad irritating so I saved her the time and effort.

"Your Amber?" Alaric asked, turning his attention to me.

"Yes, I am." I said, arching my shoulders back slightly. "So, yeah who are you?" I frowned, running my hand through my hair, "I wasn't informed of your existence, which is a little strange to be perfectly honest. I'm always informed about other hunters."


"You used to be a hunter, yes?"


"Then I should of been told," I sighed, groaning. "I liked Trent, he was such a good informant..."

"Was?" The brunette frowned, catching onto the way I'd spoken.

"Yes, was. He is no use to me if he cannot tell me the simple things." I heard two laughs from behind me.

Something dawned on Alarics eyes, "your a hunter?"

"Again, yes." I mused, rolling my eyes. "That was the only reason I came to this dump."

"What happened to you?"

I scrunched up my nose, looking at the woman. "A lot of things lady. A lot of things."



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Apologies for the seriously late update, like I wanted to add more, but I kinda like how this ended so... I decided to post it now.

Again, so sorry.

Always and Forever, Lilly.

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