Chapter 3

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OK so this is the best part! The rest of that day was boring, I did nothing and I was quiet. The next morning I was  up at 6 getting ready and all set to go. Washing my hair, thinking of him. Did my makeup, thought of him. Straightened my hair, thought of him. WHY IS HE SO HANDSOME HOLY CRAP!!!!!!!!!!! I actually screamed that and the girls were like, "Ray, you OK?" Lexie asked.

"Raven, why are you blushing?" Cabin leader also asked.

"Ray, who is he?!" said Isabella and Elizabeth at the same time.

"UMMMMMMMMMMMMM, I don't know his name and he's really fricken cute. But he has a girlfriend but gosh dang to those cheetos in america I want him!" The girls laughed and I just smiled. The thought of him being with me made me blush and giggle. So I'm on my way to breakfast right and well west side did their chant. Then all of a sudden I saw script.... god script, they had all the good looking guys and the most nice guys ever. OMG THERE HE IS, HE'S A SCRIPT!!!!!!!!! OK OK, no freaking out, just calmly walk by without him noticing me. As soon as I saw him, I blushed insanely. His friend must have noticed because he motioned towards me and as soon as he saw me, HE blushed! Oh my gosh he was blushing. I don't know what happened but I giggled and he looked away. So I took it as a compliment and walked to breakfast. He was at the Script table and I saw him and smiled, and dang he was good looking today. Walking to band was a breeze since I saw his butt all the way there :).

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