chapter 7

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OK so today there was no classes no rehearsal and better yet more activities. boys and girls competed in runs acting playing and such while others just hung out. Me and phoenix hung out walking around all over campus talking and getting to know each other more. I told him my story (about my life) and he told me his. i was so afraid that he wouldn't accept me but he did which was the best thing ever.. but then i forgot back home i had a real true love that i could never admit to. Mike.... but i will soon forget right its just a crush nothing could ever happen between us right?

So its dinner time and we are having pizza and soda... great... as phoenix comes over to my cabin he grabs soda first and hands it to me i take a slow sip of it and smile drinking more and finish the cup. i was starting to bounce then suddenly i burp really loud.

"Nice push raven, that was amazing coming from a girl!" i smiled and blushed looking down, not knowing what to say. after dinner we all got our hair done and make-up... still had to wear the stupid uniforms.. and went to the shell where the dance was held. everyone was dancing and having a good time. me being me, phoenix and i were dancing 'to close' and a counselor said leave space for god.... really i don't believe in him so your telling me to leave space fro someone that doesn't exist? makes no sense right? well we still had a great time we slow danced to a couple songs and then went to watch sponge-bob which was nice then everyone went to bed.

That night i was left thinking.. is this the guy?

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