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"How'd we drift so far away from where we left off yesterday? I'm lonely like a castaway"

hyunjin stared at his phone, pictures of his husband littered in his gallery. he sighed heavily as he swiped through his pictures, biting back tears as he thought of all of the pain he'd caused to the only person that mattered to him.

he truly was stupid for drinking when he did and for not controlling himself while drunk.
a faint knock snapped him out of his thoughts

"jinnie?" he heard a raspy voice say on the other side of the door.

"yeah?" he whimpered, waiting for the door to open.

"i.. I brought you some coffee, I know that it helps with hangovers, so..." Felix shyly admitted, handing hyunjin the mug

"thank you" hyunjin almost whispered, taking a sip and then looking at the blonde in front of him with blurred vision.

"hyunjin, are you okay?" Felix asked sincerely, sitting next to him and holding his hand.

"i-" hyunjin started, his voice shaky as he squeezed Felix's hand, " do you ever feel alone even when people are around you?"

Felix's mouth gaped slightly and his heart dropped to his stomach, "is.. is that why you drink so much hyunjin?"

hyunjin opened his mouth to talk but he stopped and covered his face, tears streaming down his cheeks.

"oh jinnie, no.. no don't cry" Felix panicked slightly, turning the brunette toward him and gently pulling his hands away from his face,

"Felix... i... i- I'm sorry for everything." hyunjin muttered through tears

"hyunjin, what are you talking about?"

"I left.. I just left you.."

"for the same man that I dated." Felix laughed lightly, "I, clearly, understand why you married him."


"hey, hyunjin? we both loved him, don't feel so guilty. it's okay bub." Felix gently stroked hyunjin's cheek, pulling him into a hug.

"I don't know what I'm even doing with my life anymore, Felix." hyunjin whimpered through tears.

"I know, and that's okay." Felix bit back his own tears, playing with hyunjin's hair to calm him down. eventually the brunette fell asleep and Felix laid him back onto the bed, gently kissing his forehead.

"dammit hyunjin.." Felix sighed to himself, ruffling his hair in frustration. he looked at his phone

one new notification:

chrisbang: hey Felix....

click to see more.

"wh-what?..." his heart dropped. he frantically clicked the notification and opened Instagram.

hey Felix

I finally know your account, and I need to apologize.


oh my god



I'm sorry I left you so many times, I was a bad best friend..

but I'm back. can I make it up to you?




kafe? tonight?




in thirty?


see you then.

loving you  ;; changjinlixWhere stories live. Discover now