Chapter 10

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Kate 20th December, 2018;morning

So, we are sitting in the drawing room: Mac's mother on the sofa, friend at her side. And the boyfriend/ murderer opposite, trying hard not to look feeling awkward. The mother has come to make things right with the murderer. Very civilized stuff.

I sense Mrs. Fanning is going to say something. And I'm nervous that it may be something crazy. But, oh! The bell rings. It must be Kendall. "We can just wait upstairs." Mrs. Fanning says as Ian goes to answer it.

"We have to hide somewhere if Kendall comes upstairs." Mrs. Fanning says almost in a whispering voice. "We can't let her see us." "Why?" I ask. She doesn't reply. A few minutes later she again whispers to my right ear, "Do you think anybody else saw us coming here?" "Why?" I ask. Ian's house stands a little isolated from the rest of the houses of this street. So, probably; not. "Are you afraid of him?" I ask. "That he may kill the both of us and hide the bodies in the basement and no one will ever know?" "Not exactly that," she says. She seems to hesitate a bit; but then shows me something wrapped up with a paper. "Potassium Cyanide," she says. "You're gonna distract him for a second and I'll put this in his drink." I feel my mouth stuck for a few seconds and then I say those words after struggling a bit with my brain, "You're going to kill him? And you are asking for my help? And how can you be so sure that Ian IS the murderer?" "He IS. I know it," She says. "You should help. She was your friend. Right?" My heart is beating so fast that it feels like it'll will break my ribcage and jump out. And I am sweating as hell. "I can't let you do that," I say. "Not till I'm alive." Oh no. Why would I say that? Mrs. Fanning is bigger than me. She'll now get the idea to kill me first with that cyanide if I stood in her way. Oh, did I just hear something? A kind of screaming? "Something's not right downstairs." I say. Anything to get out of here. Then I storm out of the room running through the staircase. And I can hear Mrs. Fanning's footsteps following me.

Kendall 20th December, 2018;morning

I knew Ian's parents weren't home. So I called him and told to stay there. I've been thinking of hundreds of ways about starting this conversation on my way here. Now, when I'm sitting face to face with him, I suddenly can't remember any of them. I keep my eyes rolling all over the room. There are some bottles of beer on the nearby table. And he looks dizzy. "Have you been drinking, Ian?"I ask him. "Oh no, these are my parents'. I'm still three months shy of 21,"he says. "It must sound funny. I care about these laws while I kill my own girlfriend." "I don't think that you did that, Ian."I say. "Really?" He asks in a tired voice. "Everyone thinks I'm the murderer. That I'm not in jail just because there isn't enough evidence against me."He seems a little uncomfortable. "Are you sick?" I ask him, sounding really concerned, and I think he notices it too. "A little, maybe. Caught a cold and simply fever. But I feel weak already." He says softly. "Why don't you think that I'm the murderer, Kendall? Why don't you hate me, like everyone else?" "I still love you, Ian." Those words have slipped of my mouth unintentionally. His deep blue eyes fixed on mine. Locks of hair falling carelessly on his forehead. I don't know when I've started to say those things. "I knew that I did nothing wrong." I say like a hypnotized person staring at the clear purity of his eyes. "I could give up the world to have you, Ian. I could kill a thousand more Mackenzies." I say. He still loves me. I can say that looking at his eyes. He would still love me. No matter what I've done.

But I was wrong. "What do you mean by that?" He starts stammering. "You killed her?" "I did it for you." I say. "Don't you dare to come near me." He starts to move backwards, trying to reach to his phone on the other side of the room. He's trying to call the police. After what I've done for him. Yeah, I can't have him anymore, I know that now. No matter how hard he pushes me away, I can't tolerate another woman beside him. I know what I need to do. I am regular at my gym class and Ian is ill. I can do it. So I grab him and throw him on the sofa. Then I take one of those beer bottles and hit it with the table. I look at the sharp broken piece of glass. I have a perfect dagger now. Then I get over him and stab on his left thigh. Then his shoulder. I wanted to go for his chest or somewhere to stab him to death but he just blocked me with his hands. Well, I CAN do it. He doesn't love me. So I don't want him to make him happy anymore. But he is mine. He's MINE. JUST MINE. No other woman can touch him if he's dead. I've killed that kitten and no one ever knew it. I've killed Mac and the police couldn't prove it. I can do this too.

I can remember every detail of that day. That evening. I took that wig from a cousin of mine. She never knew. I just took it from her closet and returned it quietly. That girl didn't believe at first. When I told that Ian had been cheating on her. Then I told that I could make her meet the girl. She asked about my wig and I just told that I had come from a rehearsal of a theater. She came with me. We took a cab. I took her at the woods near Hyde Park. She just said, "When would she come..." and she couldn't finish the sentence. I hit her with a rock. Then I hit her again. And I threw that rock and my blood soaked hand gloves in the river. Then I went home. Easy-peasy. I was a natural at this.

Ian's getting weaker. He's not fighting hard anymore. So I lift my dagger and am going to bring it down. But it slips at the last moment. What's that pain? My head burns. Feels like I've got hit by something. I can see tiny purple circles flying all over the room. I feel that ache again. And the world turns black.

Kate 20th December, 2018;morning

I can't believe my eyes. Whatever I've expected see, this scene is way beyond my wildest imaginations. Kendall is holding a bloodstained knife sort of thing. Ian is covered with blood. He's already been stabbed several times and it seems like Kendall is getting ready for her final attack. So I take that heavy thing from beside the table and hit her with it while Mrs. Fanning dials 911.

We'd been there long enough to hear Kendall's confession. When the paramedics had arrived, and they took the unconscious Ian and Kendall to the nearby hospital, I saw the look of unbearable guilt on Mrs. Fanning's face. At least we can hope that she'll be okay again, now that her daughter has been avenged.

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