Chapter 8

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Kate 1st December, 2018; afternoon

No matter what Mrs. Halt said, the police was suspecting Ian again. That was a blond guy, after all. But then the result of some tests came out and they've found sample of synthetic strawberry blond hair. So, it's a wig; that means again we have no clue about the murderer's appearance.

I met Ian yesterday. It was the first time after Mac's murder. So I looked at him and tried to think him as my friend's killer. Tall, well-built figure; perfect for a college football team. His face was friendly, the way childish naughtiness blended with cuteness; made him that attractive. But was it just naughtiness; or pure evil? Did he have only the blond hair like Draco Malfoy or his cruel intentions as well? Is that a face of lover; or a murderer? "Have you heard it?" He asked me and I came back to the real world. Even his blond stubble due to not shaving for the past few days couldn't lessen his handsomeness a bit. "Now that the cops know that it was a wig, they still ask me if it was MY wig." Then he burst into a forceful laughter, "Why would I disguise myself as a blond guy? I AM a blond guy!"

3rd December, 2018; afternoon

I don't know. Maybe Reuben would match with Mrs. Halt's description. I am now sitting at the XLA café. It's that café where Ian and Mac used to come. I just have visited her piano class. No particular reason, actually. I've been missing her too much today, so after school I've just come to wander around her favorite places. When the waiter comes to take my order; his face looks a little familiar. "You're Kenny's older sister!" Now I remember. This boy is in the same class with my younger brother Kenny. "I've heard the murdered Japanese girl was your friend. I'm so sorry. She used to come here with Ian. They looked like a golden couple. But as usual; good stuff aren't the permanent ones," he says. "Okay, Logan, you know Mac came here the day before she was killed. Can you tell me what happened that day afternoon here?" The boy seems to light up a bit, "You know my name!" Of course, I didn't, but he has his ID and I know how to spell, that's all. "Well, they came as usual. At first, they seemed cheerful when I took their orders. But then, when I went to serve food, I heard them and it seemed like they were arguing about something. Mackenzie was like, "Why didn't you tell me before? This IS lying. Hiding the truth is a lie." And Ian was like, "No, I am NOT a liar. I didn't do anything. The point is- I love you now. Why are you so concerned about my past?" Then Mackenzie said, "You didn't tell me! I thought I was..." then they stared at me and stopped talking. They were fighting in a public place, but so gently and silently that no one would notice it. Except me, cause I could hear what they were talking about. And I can bet they were still in a fight when they left the café and they were arguing the whole time they stayed here." "Have you told the police? This might help, Logan."I say with a normal voice though I feel feverish processing what I've just heard. They fought just the day before she got murdered. Will we ever find a better motive? "No, I didn't." Logan says. "I was too nervous. Also I didn't want any harm for Ian. He's been coming here ever since I've got this part time job two years ago. He's nice. So I just told police everything except what I accidentally heard." So I get up and think, "The police should know about this."

They got me Portman when I asked. That's good because I'm so not in a mood to meet that woman. So I just tell him that they had a fight and Ian hid it from the cops. After my story's finished, with a great shock of horror I notice that Blanchet has come to join us too. "This Logan kid did a good thing out of his snooping habit. But why didn't he tell us before?" She says. "He's a sixteen year old kid, Blanchet. Of course he's not a criminal if he gets a bit nervous talking to the cops. Haven't you ever been a kid before?" I say and storm out of that office. Someday, I'm so gonna punch that lady. I don't care if I get a life sentence or even death sentence for hitting a cop. Not anymore.

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