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Allie watched for any signs of distress or confusion on Harry's face. She needed to be sure that he wasn't on any drugs right now, or any other influence for that matter.

Harry watched as concern spread through her expression, frowning in response.

"Are you okay, Harry?" She asked him softly, stopping a few feet in front of him.

"I'm fine." He blinked, almost as if he was dazed. "Why?"

"This is the third day in a row you've come to see me. If I were anyone else, I'd start to speculate something." Allie said light heartedly, trying to lighten the mood, especially with the tense and heavy atmospheric feeling in the room.

Harry smirked.

"I'm sorry about Lexie."

Allie shook her head. "It's not your fault."

"I told her not to put you back in here." He said, almost as if that was meant to make Allie feel better, as if she should be thankful that he tried.

"And where else would you put me? I won't let you put Will in the cellar when he hasn't done anything."

Harry shook his head in disgust. "Will is your partner. He has done everything you've done up to this point. He deserves to be in this cellar just as much as you do."

Allie didn't say anything, knowing to not let his words get to her. She knew he didn't mean them, that he was just confused. The anxiousness was evident in his expression.

"What's wrong, Harry."

Harry blinked, looking at her with a confused stare. He was puzzled as to why she was suddenly concerned about his well being when he had just insulted Will.

"What?" He was taken back by surprise.

"You look nervous. What's wrong?"

He couldn't help but smirk a little bit, assuming Allie was planning something.

"We're not talking about me right now, Allie."

"You know you can talk to me about anything Harry." There was a hint of desperation in her voice.

"I'm here to help you get out of this situation. Not the other way around." He shot back, revealing he had no intention giving into anything she'd say.

"I'm completely content with where I am. Unless.. you think I was framed for nothing." Allie said, choosing her words carefully. She knew Harry was part of the reason that her and Will were imprisoned. Stealing the votes in the election? A smart plan with Campbell as the complete mastermind, using Harry and Lexie as his pawns to get what he wanted: Elle, and Allie out of his way.

"Let's cut the crap, Allie." Harry warned.

"Campbell was behind it, wasn't he?"

Harry narrowed his eyes at her, suddenly missing when she was sick. It was this challenging side of her that irritated him and reminded him of how alike Allie is with her deceased sister, Cassandra.

"You know he was. And he was right for taking you down." Harry said lowly.

Allie smirked. "I can't believe Campbell has you tied around his finger."

"He doesn't." He snapped.

"Are you scared of my cousin, Harry?" She taunted.

"Campbell and I want the same thing. We get along."

"You know he's a psychopath, right? He's as much of a danger to you as he is to himself."

Harry ignored her.

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