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December 18, 2019


As I walked into the store I felt as if someone was following me. Not sure who it could be, but the feeling is weird. I feel as if I'm gonna die.

And Walgreens isn't the place to die. I would rather die in impact or in a hospital. But not in a store that plays horrible music. They have great things for a low cost, can't fight with that.

What was I gonna get? Oh yeah. More Christmas lights since the ones we had stopped working.

I walked towards the middle section of the store where they have all the lights and other Christmas stuff. They change this area every time the seasons change.

I got some other stuff we could use for Christmas Day. Like candy, cookie cut outs, decorations, fake snow, and more stuff.

I walked over to the register and paid for all the stuff. I grabbed the bags and walked to Niall's car, that he let me use.

I still have the feeling that someone is watching me. I'm getting rally scared and freaked out about this. I don't know what to do right now.


I got home and the feeling went away. That's a good thing.

When I got to the living room I saw Niall putting the other lights into the trash.

"Niall I'm back!" I yelled

"Thank god! By the way more lights stopped working." he notified me.

"Good thing I bought extras in case this happened."

"So you are telling me that you thought this would happen?"


We started putting the new lights on the tree and took off the other ones. It's weird that that all of the sudden they stopped working at the same time. Another reason it's weird it's because we had these over 8 years. And not once did they stopped working.

"Niall don't you find it weird that they stopped working at the same time?" I asked him

"Yeah. I thought we still had a good 3 years with them. But apparently not." he said

"What should we do after we finish decorating the house?" I asked

"Don't know. Let's just a movie and invite Calum and just Calum. Relive the old days."

"Yeah we should. It would be like the old days. Where it was just us 3."


We finished decorating the living room. And we decided to end it there because it would take us a long time to finish the rest.

I called up Calum to see if he can come over, but just him no one else. And as I predicted he did. He said he would make sure Ashton isn't at home so he can come over.

Niall was getting the food and movie ready before Calum came over. Reliving the days though.

I heard the door bell I ran to the door. Calum, alone, was at the doorstep.

"Hi ya." he said

"Hey Cal. Get in before Ashton sees." I said and dragged him inside.

"Wow you guys are getting ready for the Christmas party aren't you?" He asked as he looked around the living room.

"Yeah. We still need the rest of the house."

"Cool where's Niall I want to give him a hug. It's been a long time since the last time I did."

And just then Niall walked in with a tray of cookies he just made. Plus the other stuff that was already I the table like chips, candy, soda, and pizza, which is on its way, and the other things he brought out.

Calum raced to Niall after he put al the stuff down. He gave him a huge hug.

"Buddy. I missed you." Calum said after he let go of Niall.

"Same here. Don't leave us again okay?" Niall said

"Okay." Calum assured.

"Let's go back 5 years." I yelled on turned on the DVD player to start the movie.

"YAS!" Niall and Calum yelled at the same time.

The pizza guy arrived not long after the ads started to play. So now we have a lot of food with us. I forgot to mention we are watching TMNT. Cause why not.


"Oh my gosh, Luke did you really have to eat all of the twix?" Calum asked

"Maybe." I said stuffing my mouth with more.

"Is that how you guys feel when I eat all the food?" asked Niall.

"Yes." Calum and I said in sync.

"Wow. I apologize for doing that." Niall said

"Actually you are worst. You eat up most of the food half of the time." Calum said

"Yeah, don't forget that one time we had no food thanks to you." I added

"Damn. Came here to have a good time and now I'm feeling so attacked." Niall said

"Sorry. But we are only telling you the truth. You left us starving for a day! Niall do you know how bad that is?" Calum asked

"Nope. And I hope I never have to suffer such mayhem." Niall said

"Gosh. What else do you guys want to talk about?" I asked

"Life. How's life?" Calum asked

"I'm seeing this girl. And we'll things are going great. Between us." Niall said

"What's her name?" I asked

"Bella." He said

"That's a nice name. Describe her." I demanded

"Well, she's short, cute, talented, great singer, and had the best personality ever." He said, she's the one. They way he said that I could tell she's the one.

"Wow. She's sounds amazing ." Calum said

"Yeah." Niall sighed

"What about you Calum?" Niall asked him

"I got married." He stated

"With Michael?" He asked

"Yup." Calum said popping the 'p'

"You two always made a cute couple."

"Thanks. I want to meet Bella some day."

"I'll bring her to the party."

My two best friends are in love. While I'm just here dating someone I like, not love. I loved Ashton- no scratch that I still love him. And it just makes me sad that everyone else is in love but I'm not. Why can't I be in love? I should of had a happy ending. I didn't. I want it though.

The tears strolled down my face. The conversation all of the sudden made me cry. I didn't even realize that I was still in the same room as Calum and Niall. Until Niall spoke up.

"Okay. Luke? Luke?"

I looked up whipping the tears away. I got up and went to my room. I locked the door and played the song. That forever reminds me of Ashton.

(A/N): Chapter 11! Like it?

Check out my other stories please.

•Winter (Larry AU)

• Songs (Larry AU)

Thanks if you do. Vote/ Comment/ Share. This almost has 1K :O. Let's make that happen. I will update once I see it has 1k or more. Promise.

(Next chapter won't be flashback.)

See ya later.


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