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September 16, 2013


Today is the day Ashton and I complete two months of being a couple. It makes me happy to think that we've made it this far. I love him to death, and he feels the same way.

"Luke you know what?" he asked as we began to watch Frozen.

"What?" I said back

"Do you know the song 17 by Avril Lavigne?"

"Yeah why?"

"I dedicate it to you."

"Why me?"

"Because your my beautiful prince."

"Ashton! Your my hot prince then."

"Yeah I know I am."

"Don't get all confident around me!"

"I'm confident and you know it."

"Gosh, Ashton."

"Okay the movie is going to start."


We sat on the sofa watching the very musical movie.


"Okay, just one quick question... Why are you stealing beers?" I asked as I sat in Ashton's car.

"Because we aren't legal enough to buy them and cause I no money right now." Ashton said as he got out.

I nodded my head as he went into the store. I could've just told Niall to buy them. He has money and is old enough to buy them. Well he's not old enough, he's only one year younger than the age.

I turned up the volume of the radio in Ashton's car as one of my favorite songs started to play. It was 'Love Like War' by All Time Low. Ashton then came in with a 12 pack of beer.

"Got them!" he cheered.

"I can see that. But how?" I asked

"You just have to wait until there's no one looking and walk out when there's a crowd." Ashton explained.

I nodded my head. Wow. He makes it look easy, which I doubt it is. If I tried to do that I would get caught right away.

"So where are we going now?" I asked as Ashton got out of the parking lot.

"My house, it's not that far away from here." he said

"Okay." I responded back.


"You have a nice house." I said as I walked inside.

"Thanks. Michael decorated most of it." He said as he put the 12 pack down on the kitchen counter.

"Who's Michael?" I asked

"Who said my name?!" I heard a boy yell

"Michael Luke's here!" Ashton yelled. There's a lit of yelling done in this house.

"Really? Let me see him!!!" The bo- Michael yelled. And came running to the kitchen.

"Oh my fuckin' gosh! He's so damn cute!" Michael commented me as he pinched my cheeks. "You're so cute, you're so cute. Oh yes you are, yes you are!"

I looked over at Ashton who seem confused by his actions. I was about to remove Michael's hands off my cheek, but Ashton spoke up.

"Michael, mate, what the actual fuck are you doing?" he asked

"I found love today! Love! I found it!" he said in a sing song voice. He removed his hands from my cheeks and faced Ashton with the biggest smile.

"That's great. But why the fuck are you acting like this?" He asked walking over to me.

"Because love does thing to you that you never do. It's amazing! I have to go meet him right now so see you two. Use protection!!!" He yelled as he walked out of the house.

"Does he do that a lot?" I asked confused at what happened.

"He never does that. He's always like 'I'm punk rock' and all that other shit. He never acts like that..." Ashton said

I just stood there even more confused than I was before. Wow, he must really love this person.

"What now?" I asked

"I don't know. Let's just watch a movie and see what happened after that." Ashton said

He lead me to the living room and turned on the TV. Family guy was on. I knew Ashton wouldn't change the channel no matter what. He loves the show too much. He went back to the kitchen to get the beers. I just sat there watching the very humorous show.

"Luke is this your first beer?" asked Ashton as he sat down handing me a beer.

"Yes. And I'm not sure if I want to drink this or not." I said telling him the truth.

"You don't have to." Ashton said

"I'll just drink some of it, though." I mumble to myself.

I drank the alcoholic beverage. The taste was horrible, it burned my throat, but it felt nice.

"I told you, you didn't have to do it!" Ashton semi yelled.

"I was thirsty! Plus it wasn't that bad!" I said back.

"Okay then." Ashton whispered and turned his attention to the TV.

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