Get Your Head Out Of The Clouds (23)

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Fred might have been the most excited to hear about George and Cosette next to the couple themselves. He knew it would happen of course, and he was proud that George had taken that step and said what he was feeling, though he wished he would have gone into more detail about what had happened. His friends were happy too and it seemed like there wasn't a person in the world that was upset by the pairing, except mad eye Moody.

"Get your head out of the clouds, Weasley!" He yelled from across the classroom, letting the piece of chalk he had just used to write on the board fly from his hand and sail George's way. "Stand up!"

George stood from his seat with an eye roll, he had been daydreaming and everyone had noticed, but then he noticed what had been written on the board. It was defense against the dark arts class, yet a topic normally discussed in the history of magic was written there. Soul mates.

It occurred to him than that with his magical eye there was no way that Moody didn't know that he had one. His classmates thought that he was told to stand because of his dozing but when Fred noticed the topic on the board too, they exchanged a glance, hoping that he wasn't about to be made an example of.

"Soulmates," Moody opened up loudly, "Who can tell me the statistic of wizards born with one?"

"One in four," A Ravenclaw in the front of the classroom answered after raising their hand.

"How many would you say were in this room?" He asked the room again.

"Six," Answered a girl in the back after a moment of silence.

"Wrong, five points from Ravenclaw," Moody said, "The statistic applies worldwide, not room wide. Common sense."

"How were we supposed to know it was a trick question?" She fought back. He simply pointed to her and repeated the words common sense.

"Soulmates are dangerous together, which is why I chose to discuss this topic instead of your history teacher. When two soulmates find each other, they become stronger, more powerful, and this comes from the fact that they will do anything to protect the other," Moody said, "This is why the dark lord wanted them all either dead or on his side. The necklaces, which appear on them as soon as they are both born, hold a power that we may never understand. Given the opportunity that a person wears both sets of necklaces, they become more powerful as well, which is another reason they were gathered up during dark times. The necklaces could only be removed by the other."

Moody paused for a second to look around the room, making sure that everyone was listening. They were sitting on the edge of their seats, all except George who was still standing. They were never given many details on the subject and were ready for new information.

"This is why soulmates hide and have developed what is called the fight or flight response. Hiding the necklace becomes close to second nature, which can cause difficulty in finding who the other is. They get defensive because they are subconsciously trying to protect the other," He explained. "There is only one person in the room with us that has a soulmate."

The room got quiet and George sat down when eyes started to be drawn to him. He had still been standing with his arms crossed angrily, and everyone started to wonder what the real reason was behind Moody making him stand.

"Weasley I did not say you could sit," Moody said aggressively, expecting him to stand instantly. He didn't, he only glared from where he had sat, which made him smirk and continue speaking. "A spell was made as a way of forcing soulmates to find each other. It was cast on one and made them lose one of their major senses. A curse on the necklace that had to be taken off by the other to be reversed. Touch, taste, sight, or even... hearing was taken from the victims."

George had risen from his seat again, and everyone thought that he had done it so Moody didn't get mad at him, and they were surprised when he continued to go to the front of the classroom and to the door seemingly calmly. They all knew that he and Moody didn't get along- they just hated each other for no apparent reason, and it seemed as though George had just had enough.

"She's awful quiet, isn't she," Moody said, making everyone look at him confused. He hadn't changed his tone or turned from where he was addressing the class at all, saying it like it was a continuation of what he was saying before. George froze in his tracks.

"That's enough," George said, turning around to face him again and hardly containing his anger.

"Little Cose-" Moody started again, but George interrupted, speaking in such a strong and authoritative voice they were rooted to their spots as if Dumbledore himself had started to yell.

"You of all people do NOT get to-"

"Speak her name?" He interrupted calmly. George couldn't even speak because of the rage that radiated off his body in waved. Everyone in the room was glued to their seats and shocked not only that George Weasley of all people had a soul mate and they had not the faintest idea, but that Moody would do such a thing as calling him out on it. They were also taken aback by Georges reaction- it was strong and scary, they understood why soulmates were a force to be reckoned with.

"Fight or Flight," Moody told them after George walked out of the room, slamming the door so hard behind him that the glass jars on each of the tables bounced and framed photos fell off the wall and onto the floor with a crash. The sound of the bell cut through the thick silence then, "The last person out is to close the door."

With that Moody walked out, but no one moved from their seats. They were in a state of shock and had no idea what to do or say. Moody had just exposed a student in the worse possible way.

"None of us will speak of it," The head of Ravenclaw spoke to Fred from his seat in the front of the room. Everyone agreed by either voicing it or nodding their heads.

"It won't leave this room," Angelina said, speaking for the Gryffindors as well.

"Thank you," Fred said, being the first person to rise from their seat and walk out without another word.

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