Habbits (4)

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Classes turned out to be easier than she thought, mostly due to the fact that George was really good at note taking, so if she missed a word or phrase all she had to do was look over at his paper. It helped that he was left-handed, because his paper was always next to her so she didn't have to strain to see, and they stopped caring when their arms bumped against each other after the first couple days.

Fred started openly having conversations with her around a week after school, admitting that where George didn't care in the slightest about it, sign language made him feel silly. He was afraid of messing up, and once she assured him that even George messed up sometimes, he got more comfortable with her. George was happy to see them talk, because during the week that they hadn't, he had become really close friends with her, and wanted them to be friends too.

Everyone loved her father as the defense against the dark arts teacher, especially when they went into his classroom one day in October only to find that they would be doing a practical lesson. One thing about his teaching is that not only did he speak normally, he also spoke with his hands, which made things easier on Cosette and was simply a habit of his he had a tough time breaking, not that anyone minded.

Cosette stood in between Fred and George, the top of her head even with their shoulders due to their hight. George was looking down at her thinking about how tiny she was when they came to a stop in the middle of the hallway. Cosette somehow managed to run directly into him when he stopped, and on instinct, he grabbed her hand so she didn't topple over. She had terrible balance and would have crashed to the floor had he not caught her.

"Black," George heard Peeves say, surprising them all. They turned to see what he was talking about, to see Peeves talking to Remus. "Where you headed?"

"Very funny, Peeves," Remus said, gesturing for his class to keep walking. They did so, and Peeves didn't follow them.

"Peeves just called your dad Black. What's that about?" George asked Cosette curiously.

"Tell you later," She said back, putting on a questioning face.

He couldn't help but smile, finding her expressions adorable, even though they were necessary to her speaking. He nodded, his hand finding it's way to the back of his neck as it often did. It was a habit he picked up when he was younger, not so much of a nervous one as it was mindless. He found himself doing it a lot when he was around her, so he forced his hands back down into his pockets when he caught himself doing it.  He didn't want her to question it, or see the silver chain he kept hidden beneath his shirt that he touched.

They entered the teachers break room, not sure what they were there for, and lined up where he pointed. He then explained that the thing rattling in the cabinet was a boggart and that they were going to fight it. This did not seem very fun to them, but once he explained that the spell made their dear into something funny, they were more willing.

Cosette didn't want to go at all, but that was because unlike most, she knew what her fear was, and it was completely practical. She placed herself in line behind George anyway, knowing that her father couldn't play favorites when it came to assignments. She felt the strongest urge to take George's hand as he was about to go up, after seeing Fred's boggart as him, dead. He seemed okay, laughing along with the rest of them when Fred made boggart him do flips, but she knew it upset him more than he let on. She had learned a long time ago to read body language, and his was screaming she was right.

To all of their surprise, the boggart didn't change, even though Fred and George looked alike, it was obvious that it was still him. He stood there for a moment, before grabbing onto a silver chain from under his shirt and ripping it off, the pendant of it in the palm of his hand where no one could see. The chain made a defining snap, that Cosette couldn't hear but could feel with everything she had. It made her upset to see, and she didn't know why. George shouted out the spell, and when it made contact with the boggart it disappeared instead of changing again.

Everyone stood confused, not sure what happened until Remus laughed, and complimented George on a spell well done, pretending as though the action didn't raise the slightest bit of question. Cosette was curious, and he could tell, but he shook his head at her signaling that he would rather not talk about it. She gave him a soft smile in return, understanding that there were some things that he didn't want to talk about, just like she didn't talk about how she lost her hearing.

Darcy seemed to like it there and found a crowd where she fit well and spent a lot of time with them instead of her. With that being said, she followed Fred and George back to the common room for their off period instead of finding her. Quite a few people were off then, so the three of them decided to go to their dorm, offering for Angelina to go up as well, which she politely decided since she was helping her friend Katie with work.

Lee was in the dorm when they got there, having left the defense room earlier than they had, and was asleep on his bed knowing that his friends would wake him up when it was time to leave. Not that Cosette knew, but Lee had been trying to learn sign language from them, which was easier said than done.

"So what was up with the whole Black thing?" Fred asked her as he sat on his bed, having seen what she and George were talking about before.

"It's confidential information, and I am not supposed to tell you, but I will anyway," She told the two of them.  "Because you guys are my friends."

"We won't tell anyone," George said to her, after explaining the word confidential to Fred who didn't know that one.

"My dad is not my only dad, I have two," She told them, "My dad is also Sirius Black because they got married out of school. Soulmates."

"So your dad Remus is soulmates with Sirius Black?" Fred asked, confused. She nodded, a little surprised that he knew the word for soulmates but not for confidential.

"Is that why you came here?" George asked her, still trying to process that information. She nodded again. "Where does your mom fit into the picture? Were you adopted?"

"No, they both had sex with her at the same time with the intentions of making me," She said to them with her nose scrunched. They both couldn't help but laugh.

"So which one is actually your dad?" Fred asked once they were done laughing about the idea of their teacher doing something like that.

"Your guess is as good as mine," She said to them with a shrug. 

The two of them stared at her for a moment, trying to decide who she looked like more, but in the end, they couldn't decide, because she looked so much like her mom. Where some of her features could obviously be linked to Remus, other's they could swear looked like Black's. The two boys turned to the other to talk about what they thought, and when they looked back at her a couple minutes later they found her asleep at the end of Fred's bed where she had been laying and staring at the ceiling. They had heard from Ginny that she hadn't slept much that night due to a bad dream of some sort, so they were both glad that she was getting some sleep.

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