Angel from Heaven (20)

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George helped her floo home from the three broomsticks as they had planned, and she was a little surprised to find both Lena and Molly in the kitchen drinking tea when she got back. She smiled when she saw them together, and her smile got bigger when her mom asked her how it went. She put the form in her mom's hand while bouncing up and down excitedly.

"George asked her to the ball!" Lena said excitedly, making Molly look over at the form with a huge smile of her own.

"Yes!" She said, pulling Cosette into a hug then hugging Lena after she hugged Cosette too.

"Let's get this paper signed and start talking about dresses!" She said, then using the form to cover her mouth she said to Molly, "Wedding dresses!"

"Oh!" She said with a laugh, making Cosette wonder what it was that she said.

It took a long time for her to find a dress that she liked, even though her mother liked all the ones she had put on. She needed something that she could hide both her necklace and the scar on her back, which wasn't an easy combination. Her mother didn't think she should hide her necklace, but of course, she was much more comfortable with it out of sight. The issue with that was that most dresses she found either covered her back or her chest, never both. She ended up choosing a light pink dress that had a strap over the shoulder. The chain of her necklace would still be visible but mostly covered, and her scar would be covered completely. There was a scar on the top of her shoulder, but she wasn't concerned about covering that one as it was a simple line.

When it came time for her to get ready, she sat her mirror staring at the various makeup she had displayed in front of her, most of which she had made. She had decided that since she was going to the ball she wanted to look her best, but she was second-guessing that decision because of the stares she was sure to get. She took a deep breath and decided to just go for it, knowing she would regret it later on with or without doing it.

Her mom helped her floo into Mcgonnagals office as planned where George was waiting on her. It was hard for him not to gawk at her the moment he saw her. She looked like an angel in her almost white-pink dress, with a face so beautiful it had to have come from heaven. It wasn't just the makeup, it was her. She radiated beauty so effortlessly it took his breath away. It was no wonder his mom had gotten him a pink tie that matched her dress perfectly. Her radiant lipstick smile made him feel light-headed as he smiled back and held out an arm to her.

"Words can not describe how stunning you are," He told her, once Mcgonnagal turned her back to walk them to the great hall where they were to wait for the champions. She let out the tiniest of giggles and pointed to him in response, turning the compliment back onto him.

They were able to slip into the great hall unnoticed somehow, and George leads Cosette by the hand to where Fred was waiting with his date, as well and Lee and Angeline who had gone together. The stood there unnoticed among them for a second before Fred turned around quickly to ask Lee where he thought George went and almost knocked Cosette over. He would have if George hadn't stepped in front of her last minute and he was crashed into instead. He was strong enough to stay on his feet which wouldn't have been the case had it been Cosette.

"Oh man! Oh, it's just you. Where is Cosette?" Fred said, realizing it was only his brother.

He moved a bit to the side, making her visible from where she was standing behind him. Fred had to stare for a moment before realizing that it was her because she was taller in the heals and looked like a supermodel. Her hand was wrapped up in Georges, which was the main reason he was able to realize it was her. Cosette made a whistling sound when she saw that he was about too, making him laugh that she beat him to it excitedly. She liked to whistle. They all lined up when the champions came in, and George let Cosette stand in front of him so she could watch them dance, elbowing Fred when he stood next to him.

"Sorry! I was just taken by surprise."

"I was too at first," He admitted, looking at her then, trying to decide whether or not to reach out to her as he wanted too. He chose just to go for it, simply resting a hand on her side and pulling her close to him when her body responded to his touch by leaning in. He loved that he could trust her actions enough to know if something was okay or not, as she relied mostly on body language and he was quickly learning how to read it.

"Smooth," Fred pointed out, making him roll his eyes and rest his head on her shoulder, making her giggle.

Her hands came to rest on top of his where they linked together around her waist. She felt them move, and since he had moved them to where her hands were around his, she could tell loud and clear that he had asked her to dance. She spun around to face him, using his hand in hers as a guide to do so which made him laugh and lead her away much to Fred's confusion.

He didn't know she could dance, or that she would even want too, so he watched curiously as George lead her to the dance floor with a few other couples. Eyes were drawn to them, or more Cosette, instantly, not that either of them cared. They waited a moment to start in dancing, while George tapped the beat of the music with his fingertips against her hand. The two were a little slower than everyone else but were off tot he side in their own little bubble as George spun her around and around carelessly. There was no one else there but them in their minds.

Authors note: I'm on a long road trip right now with several more hours to go, so any messages or comments would be greatly appreciated to entertain me and keep my spirits up! That's why I posted this EARLY CHAPTER!

Compass *George WeasleyTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang