Brother Bill (36)

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Cosette had decided that she and George would break the curse, the only thing left to consider was when. Part of her wanted to do it and not tell her mom, since she was still mad, but she knew that would be cruel. She didn't want to give her the satisfaction of caving in, but she knew she would need her mother through the process so she decided to make amends. She hadn't told anyone about what she decided, not even George. She needed some time to prepare herself for what was to happen, and the best person to prepare her for that was Bill.

the first thing she did when Bill met her at his mother's house to talk was apologize for smashing a cup at him. He had already forgotten about it, and returned the apology. He knew he was pushing her, and he had no right to call her out for being scared. 

"You were right though, I am just scared," She admitted. "but I think you're right. I just don't know what to expect."

"Well..." He said, pulling a file out of nowhere full of paper and handing it to her. "I discreetly compiled a few accounts, though they are mostly pretty old. Maybe reading some of these will ease your mind."

Cosette took the file of paper, trying not to be annoyed about how he just had them on hand without knowing that she had made a decision. She checked herself in that moment, realizing that Bill's being so prepared to educate her about it was actually a good thing. It showed he cared, and that even though she clearly didn't want help before, he knew that she would need it.

"Can we talk about your soulmate?" She asked him curiously. "We always talk about mine, and never yours."

She was stalling because the pages in her hands felt heavy with the weight the were to have on her choice. Bill took his necklace out and showed it to her, and when Cosette saw it, she gasped. She had seen it before, on her old friend Fleur Delecour, her only other friend with a soulmate, who coincidently just got into town after having taken a new job at the bank in Diagon Ally. She started her new job the next day and was to have lunch with Cosette to tell her all about it.

"It appeared on me when I was 7," Bill told her.

"A younger woman!" She teased, "I have a feeling you'll meet her soon, don't worry."

"What makes you say that?" He asked her curiously. She just shrugged. "Anyway, I think she's French. I spent as much time there as I could with no luck. I met a few girls but none of them felt like the one, so I came back home. I haven't given up looking, but family is a priority now."

She wondered if she should tell him what she knew, or give him any hints to help him find her, but she knew in her heart that it would be unfair of her to spoil the surprise. Everyone let her and George find out naturally, and she knew that the universe was already at work pulling them together. Bill and Fleur- she tried to think about it. Fleur was one of the most feminine person she knew, and Bill just about the most masculine. He looked rebellious, with long hair and piercings, just the kind of guy that Fleur secretly longed for much to the dismay of her mother.

When she got back home to Grimmauld place, Fred and George were still out so she stowed away in her room with her file and began to read. Bill was right, the breakdown of the spell on a confidential curse breaker record page showed that the spell was not as complicated as she thought. It really was as simple as taking off the necklace. She was going to do it, she decided. There was no reason not too besides her fear, and she was a Gryfandor for crying out loud. It was safer for everyone that way. She didn't tell George that. The timing didn't feel right, and she wasn't ready. When he was done with school they would talk about it again.

He and Fred got back that night so excited they could barley stay in their seats when they told her about the shop that they just bought with most of their money. It was a shock to her, they had only gone out to look and not to buy but the place was perfect they said, and as soon as they were done with school they would begin setting it up. She was beyond happy for them. George was so excited that she could feel it through their bond and it was contagious.

When he asked her if she would live with them, her answer was a quick and sure yes. Living with him sounded like pure bliss. They would be able to kiss whenever they wanted, sleep in the same bed and her favorite part was that they would be able to start their days together every day.

Watching him leave that time didn't feel as painful as it had in the past. She knew they would see each other again soon, possibly sooner than they had anticipated.

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