May 21, 2019

31 0 1

Hey guys so a lot went down (end of year exams and internships and road trips and family emergencies and Jesus Christ that fucking game of thrones finale and fucking endgame FUCKING ENDGAME RIPPING MY HEART OUT AND STOMPING ON IT OVER AND OVER AGAIN SPIDER-MAN IS AMAZING HE FINALLY GOT HIS HUG PETER PARKER IS TOO PRECIOUS WHYYYYY DID THIS HAPPEN) which is why we didn't get that update out we thought we would but!




like actually for real this time it's like pretty much all written we're gonna update tomorrow

Let me reiterate WE ARE GINNA UODATE TOMORROW! At like hmmm let's say 9:00 eastern time. Which is in less than 12 hours!!!!

Please be there with long inspiring comments despite us making you wait so long!!

See you tomorrow at 9!


P.S. give me happy peter Parker tony start irondad endgame fanfiction to fill the hole in my heart

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