Jan 22

31 3 0

Hello friends!

It has been a busy past few weeks and that is why we haven't updated yet :(

I started school last week and holy shit, taking two creative writing classes might've been a bad choice. THERE IS SO MUCH READING TO DO. And there's a paper due EVERY WEEK in one of them T.T

Hopefully my writing improves tenfold from this. If not I will be pissed lol.

So: classes (17 semester hours pray for me) are keeping me busy, and Supes just got back from Germany last week, so we haven't been able to finish up a chapter yet.


We are now working on the next chapter! Don't expect it for at least another week, maybe two depending on how busy Supes will be. Sorry for making you guys wait :( and thank you for your patience!!!

(Ps y'all should check out Sleeping At Last's enneagram songs! He's coming out with his type 3 song the 25th! I'm a self identified type 4 wing 3, so I'm looking forward to the release of Three!)

Tl;dr: sorry we haven't updated: busy. Working on chapter now, don't expect another update for a week or two depending on how busy we are.

Thanks for your patience!!!! Enjoy the above Batman meme.


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