November 27, 2018

15 2 1

Hello friends

Turned in two ten page papers today what an adventure! (It was exhausting and I despair)

Buts that's not what this is about! This is about the NEXT CHAPTER that we're working on which *surprise* is suddenly somehow over halfway done (aka despite staying up WAY TOO LATE yesterday working on papers I somehow found it in me to write a bit?? As in 1300 words a bit?)

Anyhow no idea when the chapter will actually be done, because who knows how life will work and also it depends on Supes schedule and availability but the good news is maybe secretly it will be soon do keep your fingers crossed

Tldr: "um i just got a random burst of energy and i think it's my body's last "hurrah!" before it completely shuts down."

So comment inspiring comments on the latest chapter to give us motivation to get this one done! It has some interesting stuff going on get hype hoo-ha.

Idek what I'm saying anymore so bye


P.S. how does one get published I am not knowledgeable enough about this process

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