Chapter 2: Show And Tell

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Waiting. Thats what the teen always did. He waited. The cat was what he looked forwards to towards the end of the day, he helped the teen forget about his father and his abusive tendancies. But this special night no cat showed up.

As the clock hit 2, (y/n) sunk down into his bed.

The teen missed the soft purrs and the way the cat curled up to his body. The way the cat only aproached when offered to come near. He loved that the cat respected him and his space.

3 nights the cat has been gone.
3 nights when the boy cried himself to sleep.

Worry lingered in the back of his head as the clock struck 3 am. The teen decluttered his desk in a worried manner trying to distract himself. He moved dirty clothes into a basket and moved his desk to the right corner of his room off to the side of the window.

He pulled at his hair, stressing. He never thought a cat would make him worry like a mother when they send their first kid to their first day of school.

The teen pulled open his bedroom door and stalked down the hallway, kicking empty beer bottles out of his way as he peaked into the living room to see his dad passed out, most likely drunk. Yanking open the fridge, reaching passed beer bottles the (h/c) haired boy pulled out a small bowl of cake he put back in the fridge earlier that day. Closing the metal door, flinching as it slammed shut, glancing over towards his father to make sure he was asleep. Not wanting to go through another one of his tantrums.

The teen scurried to his room, lightly closing his door and flopping down on his old, creaky bed. He carefully removed the wrap around the cake and lifted up the spoon that his mother gave him before she died. Taking a spoonful of cake and enjoying a fee bites before he heard a clatter outside his window.

Turning towoards his clock that now read 4:40am he nervously made his way to his balcony. In wich he didn't understand why he was confused, There was no possible way somebody could be up there. He slowly stalked towoards the window.

The teen pulled back his curtens, opened the window and poked his head outside of his cold room into the even colder outside looking around his balcony. He turned his head towoards the right seeing a black clad hero with striking blonde hair and forest green eyes holding onto his arm. Hands covered in blood as he struggled to walk. The teen ran towoards the hero, assisting in anyway he can.

He pulled the black clad hero through the window, surprisingly the cat themed hero held a strkng grip on (y/n)'s arm. He attempted to gently place the hero onto his desk chair but he ended up dropping him instead. Before he could apologize the hero groaned in pain sqeazing his arm harder.

The startled boy peeled himself away from the hero and rab to his bathroom, opened his bedroom door and as silently as he could ran into the bathroom on his right and pulled out the oh so well used med kit that was suprizingly not empty.

Heaving the med kit out from underneath the sink he lightly closed the door to the bottom and bolted back to his room but beforebhe entered his room he peaked down the hall and it looked like his father was still asleep.

He rushed the the hero closing the door behind him and opening the heavy med kit. Pulling out blue gloves, putting them on he then grabbed alcohol wipes. Opened the little paper thing containing the wipes and pulling them out. Gesturing to the hero to move his hand the teen instantly went to clean the wound the best he could. The black clad hero hissing everyone the wipe came into contact with his skin, trying to pull his arm back multiple times. The boy pulled his arm into his grip holding it awkwardly attempting to keep the hero from Yanking his arm back before be could finish cleaning the wound.

The teen grabbed a rag from a laundry basket, knowing it was clean be placed it onto the wound telling the hero to keep pressure on it. The teen looked into the med kit looking for a specific item. Rummaging through it taking note of the curious watch on his back. Pulling out the item he showed it to the hero, gauze. He went into detail on what be was going to do with it, for a band-aid won't cover that big of a wound.

The hero held out his arm as the beyo carefully removed the rag that has stuck to the hero's arm due to the blood. Once the rag was removed blood almost instantly starting dripping down the hero's arm. As quickly and as perfectly as he could the teen wrapped the arm with gauze, grabbing onto the ace bandages next to him as the blood started seeping through. Wrapping the wound as swiftly as possible the boy stood up.

The black clad hero looked down at his arm. "You're suprizingly good at that."

The boy stiffened, "I have had some eperience with patching up cuts." The teen said sitting down looking at the discarded cake, tugging at the bottom of his pant legs, then back at the hero. "You really should have gone to the hospital. You're going to need stitches." The hero only shrugged.

"I trust you more."

"You trust me more?, I don't even know you!"

The cat hero stiffened, realizing that he only knew him as a cat. He sighed placing his head in his hands.

"You know that cat that visits you every night?" The boy nodded slowley. "Well, I'm that cat."

The teen let out a laugh. "You really expect me to belive that your the cat?" He tried to hold back the laughter.


The boys laughter stopped.

"Then prove it."

The hero stopped for a second, he can't exactly prove it in his current condition.

"Can I just tell you what you did with the cat last night?"

The boy nodded.

"The cat started purring, you turned on your light, pet him, and let him sleep in bed with you." The cat hero said. "How is that for proof?" he mused.

The boy Bacame flusshed. "You mean to tell me, I was letting the all so famous hero Chat Noir sleep in my bed?" He asked but contented before the hero could respond. "Not only just in my bed, but in my bed with me?"

The boy turned away from the black clad hero his face even more flushed than before. Not because he liked him, no. Because he never let a nother human into his little cove.

"I'm sorry, (y/n). " Chat noir apologized. "Would you like me to leave?"

The boy shook his head. "No, I'm just trying to wrap my head around this." He hugged himself looking at the hero.

"So I have known you for 3 years?" The boy asked trying to figure it out.

"Yes, I'm sorry I didn't tell you sooner-"

"Wait." The boy said yet again stopping the hero. "Did you even think to tell me once?"

Chat noir looked away. He just wanted to protect him, he never wanted the boy that had peaked is intrest to be upset with him.

"I always felt like telling you." Chat loomed away. "I just didn't tell you cause I wanted to keep you safe."

"Keep me safe?" The boy fumed. "I'm in danger every time I'm around my father." He stuck his arms out pointing to his door.

Chat grew concerned. What did he mean?

The boy huffed a sigh. "Just because you tried to keep the fact that you're a hero secret doesn't mean I'm safe."

Chat noir suddenly pulled the boy into a hug.

"Oh, (y/n) I wish I knew what was happening." The teen pushed the hero away scoffing.

"As if I would tell you." He turned away. "You lied to me for 3 years."

Chat noir face dropped, he stood up from the desk chair. Wobbling a little bit and walked towoards the door.

"All I wanted was to protect you (y/n)." He mumbled looking back at the angry boy who was staring at a bowl of cake.

Chat noir opened the window and juped out to the balcony. Looking back at (y/n)'s face contorted with anger before jumping down.

(1433 words edited)

{Sneaky Cat} Chat Noir X Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now