Chapter 1: Midnight Cuddles

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(3rd pov)

Crisp wind entered the already cold room as soft purring emitted from the night stand. Forest green eyes lit up the small mess called a bedroom as a teenager stirred awake from the loud purring from his unknown visiter.

The teen looked at the blank cat beside him with suprised, wide eyes.

The cats back.

He lifted up his hand and tapped the night shade, causing the old yellow light to flicker on. The cats slick black fur shined in the soft gold colour. The teen stroked the cats fur as he hummed a soft tune that he once heard when he was younger. The memory of where he heard it long gone. Rubbing his hand against the sleek black fur caused the cats purr to deepen.

The cat had been visiting him for a while. Only at night, never during the day as if it had something better to do with its life. Making the teen wonder what to cat is up to during the day. It would spend hours during the night cuddled up by the teens legs or just by him in general. Not alway necessarily touching him, as if to respect the teen's space.

(Y/n) can respect that.

When soft purring would fill the room, it would usually wake up the sleeping teen. The black cats visits started to become a routine that (y/n) could look forwards to.

Grumbling under his breath he lifted up the thick blanket allowing the cat to join him, to bask in the warmth.

The cat greatfully excepted the offer and made its way to the bed. In wich is the only clean living space in the entire bedroom

The cat curled up next to the boy. His small body pressed up against the teens, Sharing eachothers warmth, enjoying the much needed company.

Not a day goes by that they don't think about eachother. The teen even started to look forwards the strange cats visits.

(Y/n) considered the cat as his best friend. His only friend.

The boy stroked behind the cats ears, pulling the cat close to his warm body as if he needed the cat close, needed the cat to stay. The teen formed his body to the cat, scrunching up and bringing the black cat into a hug.

The boy slowly fell asleep and when a small beep was heard, the cat gracefully moved out from the boys warm grip and out in the cold crisp air of the bedroom before he was engulfed with a enticing green fog.

As the fog cleared a figure could be made out in the small room.

Then there stood a blonde boy. Bright green forest eyes, a black clad suite with a dark mask and a new found respect for the sleeping teen bellow him. A soft fangy smile resting on his face.

"My prince" the boy said, looking at the sleeping form of the small boy. "I will visit soon."

The mysterious boy quitely opened the window leading to the balcony, he climbs out his feet making a soft patting sound in the metal. He froze, swiftly turning to look at the sleeping boy one last time before closing the window silently behind him.

He jumped, landing skillfully on his feet looking up at the balcony he jumped off of that hovered 3 floors above his head, swearing he will visit as soon as he can.

570 words (Edited)

{Sneaky Cat} Chat Noir X Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now