an unlikely sick day

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a week passed, and King Dice's days of living is almost through. one week left, and he and the others will be nothing but the devil's trophy collection. as the final week goes by, he notices (Y/N) feeling ill. she couldn't eat nor sleep. she threw up multiple times, and the only way to feed her was with liquefied foods. giving her foods that are turned into a drink is disgusting to everyone, but it was the only way for her to survive unfortunately. King Dice becomes even more worried than ever. he made plans for them to have a romantic dinner, but that blew up because of her unexpected sickly state. ¨what the bloody hell is going on!? why isn't anything changing!?¨ King Dice yells to himself as he ran to the mysterious potion he gave to (Y/N). he looks at it, and kept wondering what it actually was. ¨I better go to porky himself! he's gotta know what it is!¨ he ran as fast as he could to porkgrind's store carrying the potion with him. as he got there, porkgrind was at his checkout stand waiting. he had his arms crossed with an angry look on his face. ¨I knew it was you! how dare you steal MY potion that was NEVER meant to be touched at all!¨ King Dice was sweating. ¨Porky! I can explain!~...¨ Porkgrind punches him hard in the face as Dice's head spins around until he stops it with his own hands. his left cheek got bruised pretty quick. ¨not another word you goddamn idiot! this very potion is top secret, and I knew you were going to ask me what it actually does. and to answer your question,.....NO! I DON'T KNOW WHAT IT DOES!!!.....does that answer your question?!¨ King Dice stood there in silence until he spoke. ¨uhhh....Yes?¨ porkgrind snatches the potion from King Dice, and yells at him to leave. ¨good! NOW SCRAM!!¨ Dice gets kicked hard out of the store. he gets up from being face planted on the ground, and undusts himself. he runs back to the Casino. when he got to the bedroom where (Y/N) is in, his minions look at him with concern. ¨she isnt looking too good.¨ pip sighed. ¨should we call a doctor?¨ mangosteen asked. ¨No! if the doctors see her in this state, they'll think we're responsible for it!¨ Dice explained. he holds (Y/N)'s hand and everyone went silent. ¨the poor dear. I hope she isn't dying...¨ pirouletta says with a sad expression. Hopus Pocus starts sobbing. ¨I dont want the pretty girl to die!¨ King Dice turns to them . ¨she isn't going to die! she's just sick! so keep your mouths shut!!¨ he sighs feeling frustrated. ¨can you all leave now?...I need to be alone with her.¨ they all left the room and King Dice turns back to (Y/N). ¨I'm such an idiot!.....all I wanted was to change this! not make things worse!....I fail as a husband....¨ he buries his face onto the bed sheets feeling guilty for what he did. just then, he felt her slowly moving. she slowly opens her eyes. ¨It's never your fault....¨ Dice looks at her. ¨(Y/N). I-...I never felt so-....¨ she softly shushes him. ¨please dont be so hard on yourself. you just need to let it go.¨ he sighs and slowly nods. ¨I...I guess you're right. I just hope things will get better. I dont want to lose you...ever.....if there's anything you need, just let me know....I'll do anything to make you happy.¨ (Y/N) smiles. ¨thank you....¨ he smiles at her, and caresses her cheek. ¨get some rest darlin.....please get better soon.¨ she nods and goes back to sleep. King Dice stayed beside her all day long. watching over her as she's slowly but surly getting better. even though he loves her with all his heart, yet then he had some thoughts. he wasn't sure if he would have to keep her for long. because he knows she would be in danger. the devil may be the most powerful being, but Dice isn't going to let his own boss take away the one he he would have to make the ultimate choice that no other villain would do in their lifetime. surly yes his soul will be taken  by the devil, but there's no other way to save himself. all he could do is give (Y/N) what she always wanted, and let her be safe from harm for good.....

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