When Evil Lurks

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Even though inkwell isle is safe from all the bad things that has happened within the last year. What no one knows is that the evil still lurks beyond its walls.
The devil and king dice along with king dice's minions were banished far from inkwell isle. They tried to head back to the town itself one way or another but with no success. Security increased since then. They now live in a cave that is dark and spooky on the inside. One day, a flying newspaper flew into king dice's face. He grabbed the newspaper, and It says: “new and improved casino now owned by cup brothers bring massive success” he goes to the devil and shows it to him. “Boss! Are you seeing this!? Those two good for nothing cup bastards took our beloved home!” The devil snatched the paper away from him and read it. There was silence for a split second but then the Devil ripped the newspaper to shreds full of rage! “DAMN THOSE MUGS!!” he boomed. King Dice nods in agreement. “What should we do boss? We can't just barge in. They'll kick us out again and bring in more security on our asses!” The devil thought of a plan on getting into that casino. “I think I know how to get in. I need you to disguise yourself. Got anything to cover yourself so you wont get caught?” King dice searched everywhere for what he can use to sneak into the casino. Until he found an old tux that belonged to a dead homeless guy who is now nothing but a bunch of bones. Although the tux itself was still in good shape. It even came with a fedora. “How about this boss?” The devil chuckled evilly with a wide grin. “Perfect!....now. You must go there tonight. And see what we can do to reclaim what's rightfully ours! And don't fail me Dice! Keep a sharp eye….” King Dice nods. “Oh I will sir. I surely will. We'll get the casino back. And I promise we'll get those mugs if its the last thing we do.” his eyes glow a bright green as he smirked evilly knowing they'll get their revenge on cuphead and mugman for ruining everything they worked for. No matter how long it takes.

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