The Disadvantages of Making a New Friend

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Kate Lerman, a normal high school girl; just wanted to make a new friend because her ONLY friend ditched her. She's really enjoying her time with that new friend. After returning from the family trip to Cabo, she just wanted to tell her friend all about it. Until she found out; her happy-go-lucky life before Cabo had changed a lot.

Could it be the same again? Not really.

Kate 15th July, 2018; morning

I'm just trying to figure out how to give an amazing start to my story. Once I'm done with that, it will be almost interesting, I hope. Only I have to think of an ending with some unexpected twist too. And also; a great middle.

Okay, I'm Kate. I'm seventeen. Currently, I'm living with my parents and little brother in Los Angeles. That was silly. I've always been living here, with mom, dad and that monkey two years younger than me. Yeah, I wasn't looking forward to this; not really an interesting start. But I'm trying my best, only I'm not good at writing. Well, except the paragraph about 'Myself'. No first grader could do it better than me. So, I'm going to build up this character in first person. Don't think it's actually me; it's the character from now on. Maybe it was the character all along. Maybe it'll be me the whole time. You can assume whatever you want.

Last week wasn't the best one in my life. A really bad thing happened. So, there's my ex-best friend Amanda. We've been buddies since nine. She was the new kid and I was the weird one, so it worked out then. But I wasn't that much of a lame 9 year old back then as I am now as a 17 year old. Amy's been acting different since the beginning of high school. Yeah, she was likable and I was unsociable. I like all kind of cool things; though most other people call them lame. When I say- I'm not a straight A student. They say that one day I'll do well in life by something I like to do. Okay, I like to watch movies and drama series, hear songs, spend time on Instagram; Twitter and to daydream. My interest is not in gymnasts, sports, programming, cooking or some useful stuff. Now that I'm a bit of loser-ish doesn't mean she has to ditch me.

She doesn't even feel a little guilty about it. She's hanging out with that 'cool' Kendall. She's the leader of the plastics. At first I've thought Amy would be like the two miserable sidekicks of Kendall. But it seems Amy's importance has outgrown theirs in these few days. Amy's already got a good grade, now she'd be popular too. Throw away all those fun memories, sleepovers-who needs that old lame Kate. That's the problem; I was one of Amy's hundreds of friends. But she's my best friend, kind of the only friend. I will make another friend, yeah. Who would think me as much as essential just like she is to me.

Amy 21th July, 2018; morning

Sometimes I just don't get Kate. She's been avoiding me since last week. We got into a fight. She becomes jealous of my other friends, always. She's not friendly enough, it's not my fault .It's right she's my oldest friend, I enjoy hanging with her the most. But I kind of like this one too. She needs to be taught a lesson. Maybe then she'll learn to not to be so possessive. And Kendall really likes me. That girl can be pretty as hell, but she's not dumb like her sidekicks. Maybe she likes my sense of humor.

Kendall 21th July, 2018; morning

Yeah, I have a hunch this Amy girl will be a real friend. Those two- whatever their names are; are so stupid. So selfish. Like that story of the two friends and a bear, they would just leave me in the time of real need. I've always wanted a friend I can share everything with; trust everything with and really have fun with. Amy is so smart and funny, I think she might be that.

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