Chapter 17

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She flew up about 3 meters, and dived down. Andrea smashed the top of the building with her punches. It wasn't hurting her for some reason, though she had expected it to. But it was a good stress reliever. She didn't control her body after that. Only her anger did. It felt as if she was just sitting in a corner of her brain, and she couldn't control anything that was happening with her body.

She couldn't stop.

She ended up smashing the whole building. Luckily the people in it ran down and escaped. There was a huge group of people looking up at her. A 15-year-old smashing the top of a building and hovering over it.

A small kid yelled,


Andrea stopped. She wasn't superman, she wasn't even a hero she had promised to be when she got her powers. She flew down. Everyone moved away except for that kid. She landed next to him.

"Hey bud. I'm not super man. I'm just a random person."

"No you're my hero who stops the bad guy and everyone is happy!"

After saying this he just hugged her. She heard everyone going into fits of awe's and she hugged the kid back. Then she directed herself to the people around her.

"Sorry about that building. I can't pay back, but I'll help. I was just having personal issues."

Everyone started smiling and someone even patted her on the back.


"We were tearing it down anyways. But next time clear the perimeter before doing anything like that."


She looked around and he was a young man. She realized he was the father of the kid she had hugged earlier.

"Can I have an auto-graph superwoman?"

It was the kid again.

"hahaha sure kid!"

Andrea then auto-graphed everything he wanted and even took pictures with him. It felt good to be appreciated. All of her anger died down.

She felt a stinging pain in her left shoulder blade and the screams of everyone around me. It was a bullet. Andrea looked around and saw a police officer. The same one who had told her about the powers.

She could only stare at him, as she fell to the ground with a loud thud.

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