Our Stupid Creative Junk Diary (The Beginning)

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When you're bored you do some stupid and creative junk so here is our creative junk. Our? you may be wondering well I'll tell you who our is. I mean me and my friends...

Wait that sounded so gay I'm gonna start again... Okay ready???

Seventy five percent of people in the world are diagnosed with boredness at the same time you are. So to cure those who have suffered from the same symptoms as ours we have created this... thingy.

My name is Kevin the bestest friend of Georgie the owner of this account. You could say that I've 'hacked' her account or you could just say that Georgie needs to stop using the same password for everything! But whatever you call this I will forever call this Plan Prove Georgie Wrong.

The reason me and my friends have decided to do this is, because believe it or not Georgie isn't as nice as she seems. *gasp* Yes I am serious. She's so mean!!! She told us that we don't embrace our feminine side, and that we have no respect for females. So to prove her wrong we have decided to do the most girlyest thing in the world.

If you guessed painting our toe nails pink then your wrong. Also if you thought begging our daddy to get us a pony you're also wrong. We have decided to... have a Diary! But an online one. You Wattpad have the awesome... what's the word? Privilege? I don't know, but you guys are the luckiest people to get to read our 'Diary.'

The thing that will make this Diary different from others is that we are not going to write to this anonymous person named Diary, we will write to Colby. Now for those who know Georgie they know that Colby is the name of Georgie's imaginary friend. Yes she has a Imaginary friend. Don't ask me why, but she does. It's kind of freaky actually. She would be walking around the house talking to this 'friend' of hers.

Anyway here is the names of those participating in this Our Creative Junk Diary.

There's Jace my little cousin. He's thirteen years old, and has got to be the coolest thirteen year old you will ever meet. He's crazy, and the worst speller in the world, so don't mind his spelling. He also has been in love with Georgie since he and Georgie were in sixth grade. It's pretty cute.

Then there's Kage. He's sixteen, and pregnant. Joking! I hope he's not prego. Are you Pregnant Kage? Oh okay he said no. Kage is the horniest guy you will ever meet. A wall will turn him on. Seriously.

There's Mark. He's... Oh shit how old is he? Well we don't know. Mark isn't with us right now so we don't know. Dan's trying to call him... voicemail. Well I guess that's an undiscovered mystery. Mark's a cool guy who disappears a lot. When you look at him you immediately think 'rapist,' but he's not. I promise, he's actually a good guy. The other day he helped get a cat out of a tree, and oh last week he helped an old lady cross the street.... You're stupid if you believed me.

Then there's Daniel or Dan. Call him Dan. Well Dan is... hmm how do I say this nicely? Dan is a conceited prick. He's actually the reason why Georgie called us 'Insensitive Skater Dudes.' Right now we're kind of mad at him. I seriously don't think he deserves a description, but I'm not going to be mean like him. Dan's pretty cool, but like I said before conceited. Him and Georgie are super close. Georgie has a huge crush on him, and he uses that to his advantage and gets her to do everything for him. He's eighteen and having an arranged marriage to his third cousin twice removed. Kidding! I bet you that would make a good Wattpad story.

Last but not least there's me! Kevin! The awesomest person in the world. I love my mom; she's the best person in the world. And I love my cat named Bark. Get it? No... ok. And I am the oldest of all the guys. I'm a 125 year old vampire, and sparkle in the sun. Oh and I also have an angelic voice like my hero Justin Beiber. If you've haven't noticed I LOVE sarcasm. It's the best invention in the world. But I do love my mom and I do have a cat named Bark. Get it now... still no? Okay.

Anyway, this is just an intro of who we are we'll probably post tomorrow if Georgie doesn't change her password which I doubt. I'll probably be the first 'Diary' entry. We don't know yet. So while you wait listen to the beautiful voice of my Hero Justin Beiber... Youtube video on the side... Dude I wish there was like an arrow thingy that would be doo doo!

Oh and vote cause that would make our self confidence level go up! Comment also if you have any Q's. Bye people of the world.

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