Teen Titans Season Six Episode 10: "Trust"

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“So, what do y’all want to do on this great day?” Cyborg asked the Titans that were slouching on the couch in the common room.  “We could go swimming, play volleyball, watch a movie outdoors on the projector, have a picnic with some yummy sandwiches…” He trailed off as he imagined all the possible scenes in his head.  Robin sat up straighter.

“Well,” He began. “It has been quiet around here… how about we-”

Suddenly, an abrupt knock on the door stopped Robin’s thought and all the Titans whipped around to look at the door.

“Umm… is someone expecting a visitor?” Beast Boy said, looking at all the Titans as they shook their heads.  Robin moved towards the door and drawing his smoke bomb from his belt, cautiously crept right beside the door.  He slowly pressed the button that opened the door and jumped out of his hiding place, about to let the smoke bomb blow when he saw a screaming Kid Flash behind the door.

“Kid? What are you doing here?” Robin asked with happiness and slight annoyance since he did not call ahead.

“I wanted to surprise you guys, but I guess that was a bad idea.” He remarked, still holding his hand above his face as to block smoke.  

“Yeah, sorry about that.” Robin muttered and rubbed behind his neck. “But come on it, it is really good to see you!” But before Kid Flash could enter, the other Titans went over to the door and all started talking at once, saying their greetings as the bombarded Kid Flash began trying to talk to them all avidly.  As all the cacophony filled the air, no one noticed a young lady with magenta hair step out behind him.

“Um… hi.” She said bluntly and the talking suddenly ceased.  All eyes in the room, save Kid Flash’s, were on her, Jinx, former member of the H.I.V.E. 5.  Raven cast a hard glance to Kid Flash.

“What is she doing here?” She questioned him, sass powerfully radiating off her. Starfire absentmindedly looked down.  Kid Flash lifted a finger in protest.

“Hey, hey, it’s okay, she’s good now.  She has renounced her old ways and left the H.I.V.E.  I wanted to bring her along to you guys the good news.” Kid Flash explained.  Jinx slowly nodded and chewed on her lip.  Robin narrowed his eyes and Cyborg exhaled loudly.

“KF, can we talk with you for a second?  Starfire, keep an eye on Jinx and make some small talk.” Robin stated and walked over to a corner area of the common room with Raven, BB, and Cyborg.  Starfire’s eyes grew big and she almost began to protest as she turned around to face a smirking Jinx.  Starfire contorted her face into a small, awkward smile.

“Ummm… greetings?” Starfire gulped.


“KF, why in the world did you bring her here, you know she is apart of the H.I.V.E.” Robin asked Kid with a sour tone.

“I know, I know… but guys, she has changed.  She left the H.I.V.E. and wants to do good with her powers.  Jinx told me that herself, looking straight into my eyes.” Kid Flash protested, crossing his arms over his chest.  Raven huffed and rolled her eyes.

“And you actually believe her? How do we even know she is not a spy?  Jinx was probably sent by the H.I.V.E. to gain the trust of a Titan and infiltrate the Tower.  Do you know all the information that the little twerp leader of theirs can hack? Trust me, with all the information we have here falling into the wrong hands could be a catastrophe.” She dictated.  

“Yeah bro, “ Beast Boy spoke walking over to lay a hand on Kid’s shoulder. “Raven is right.  We can’t trust her, do you know how many times she has tried to kill us!” Beast Boy began to ramble on about all the encounters they had with the H.I.V.E. and how Jinx was ruthless.

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