Teen Titans Season Six Episode 3: "Bella"

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     Isabella “Bella” Queen ran through the worn streets of Steel City.  She was chasing a villain by the name of Dr. Light.  She had never faced him before but she was about to make sure that he was stopped.  Dr. Light was trying to take out light from the entire city and Bella was right on his tail.  Adrenaline pumped through her body making her run even faster. The sound of her footsteps faintly reached the ears of Dr. Light and he turned a corner, trying to lose this new girl. The darkened sky let out a low rumble and the rain pummeled the ground like the sky was crying hard. She jumped onto a ladder of a near building and ran on the roof, jumping on every gap between building that if she didn’t calculate right, she would fall a long way down into a black alley.  Bella grabbed a small bomb arrow right out of her satchel on her back and put it on her bow.  She aimed quickly and fired right at Dr. Light.  It then exploded and knocked him off his feet in a dark street.  Bella quickly flipped off the building and landed right next to him.  Water splashed next to her from the force of her jump. Dr. Light scrambled up, trying to regain his footing when Bella did a low swoop kick and knocked him off his feet again, his face splashed into the tears of the sky.  She grabbed his arms and handcuffed him.  In that dark street, all Dr. Light could see was her mask and a bit of her beach blonde hair behind her.  He put his hand up to his face to block the rain.

   “Who are you?” He asked with a slight bit of fear in his voice.   

   “Arrow.  Don’t forget it.” Bella said as she disappeared into the rain and let the police take Dr. Light to jail.  She slightly smiled to herself that she was now a hero, bringing down the bad guys.


  “Okay Titans,” Robin started as he paced in front of the Titans that were seated in front of the TV. “We are going on another vacation!”

  “Really!” Beast Boy shouted. “Dude to where?”

  Robin was silent for a second, “The East Coast!”

  The teams smiled faded to glares.  

  “We are just going to help Titans East with something, aren’t we?” Beast Boy asked.

  Robin started to rub the back of his neck as he laughed nervously.

  “I should’ve known.” Raven said.

  “Fine we are, but we will still have fun.” Robin replied.

  “If you say so Robin.” Starfire commented with a slight smile.

  “Well, I’ll take any vaca I can get, and I love the people at Titans East!  So let’s get packing you guys!” Cyborg said in his normal loud voice.

  The Titans rose from the couch and started packing for the East Coast.


 The Titans East ran outside as the T-Ship landed on the loading dock.  The Titans jumped out to see the smiling faces of their friends.

“Hey guys!  Thanks for comin’.” Bumblebee said.

“No prob Bee!  You know I will always be here for you guys!” Cyborg stated.  Mas y Menos ran around to all the Titans.

“¡Señorita Raven, Señorita Starfire, Señor Beastboy, Señor Robin, y Señor Cyborg!” Más y Menos both said at the same time. “¡Los extrañamos!”

“Oh, I have miss you as well!” Starfire shouted with joy as she hugged the twins.  They melted emotionally.  

“Uhhh, Starfire.  How do you know what they are saying?” Robin asked.

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