Teen Titans Season Six Episode 6: "Mystery Attacks"

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Here ya go! Enjoy! Mystery cliffhangers... mwahahahaha!

   The sound of beeping entered Robin’s ears and buried his head under the covers. The beeping kept going and Robin moaned as he turned to face his clock, five am.  He hit the snooze button but his alarm clock wasn’t going off, it was his communicator.

“Oh, its my communicator…  it'll turn off in a second… zzzzz… Wait! My communicator!”

Robin bolted upright and was now wide awake.  He quickly looked at his communicator.  Crime alert. He sighed as he scanned for a name.  He thought of some of the most annoying villains who would attack this early just to get on his nerves.

“Control Freak, Red X, Kitten, Johnny Rancid…”  The list continued in his mind as he realized many of the villains they fought were really obnoxious. The name of the attacker finally appeared on his communicator and his heart stopped.  His eyes scanned for any other names… none. He leaped up and ran out of his room and went to wake up the other Titans.


The Titans that were now in uniform ran into the common room with a sluggish Beast Boy trailing behind.  

“Why does someone have to attack the city this early AGAIN!” He whined as Raven rolled her eyes but instantly regretted doing that. She saw Beast Boy look over at her and she instantly looked down. Her mind was wandering, she was not focused at all.  Ever since what Beast Boy told her yesterday, she couldn’t face him- or even look at him.  “Raven… you belong with me.”  “Raven… you belong with me.”  That occupied her mind all day and all night.  She couldn’t get rid of his words echoing through her mind.  She was distracted and confused, and ashamed. Right after Beasts Boy uttered those words, Raven was scared and panicked.  She opened a portal underneath her and went through it, transporting her far away from the Tower.  She didn’t know what to say to Beast Boy… or even what to do…

“Raven!” She was snapped out of her trance and faced Robin.  

“What?” She asked.  Everyone looked at her with concern.  

“Are you the okay?” Starfire wondered.

“Yes, now who is the villain that made you apparently freak out?” Raven questioned.  Robin’s face turned to stone.  

“It’s Cinderblock.”

The Titans glared at him.

“Really, Cinderblock? Is that who you were freaking out about? We have beat him a million times.” Cyborg told Robin.

“Yeah dude, what’s the big deal?” Beast Boy asked.

Robin sighed and cleared his throat.  

“Look, I promise I will explain everything when I get back… trust me, it is important.  But we need to stop Cinderblock first.”

The Titans nodded, that answer satisfied them for now.

Robin uploaded the coordinates to his R-Cycle in a matter of seconds, he turned around and said “Titans GO!”

The Titans ran out of the Tower and headed to the heart of Jump City.


Cinderblock twisted a sign and rammed it into a bank near the vault.  Money flew out but he walked away, as if money was not what he was looking for.  Robin swerved in on his R-cycle as Cyborg followed behind with Beast Boy in his T-Car.  Starfire and Raven landed beside Robin from the sky. Robin removed his helmet and stared straight at Cinderblock.  Cinderblock turned around and faced the Titans.

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