rest time

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I was laying on Billy's bed, which happens to be the top bunk. It was quite and the only sounds you could here was the sounds of the old house. Freddy was down doing the dishes and I was waiting for him.

It's been about 20 minutes and I was nearly asleep when freddy came running into his room.

"Khaleesi!" He yelled out.

"What" I said thirdly sitting up.

"Oh did I wake you" he asked looking up to me.

"No,no you didn't" I said getting up to climb down.

"What you need freddy" I said standing in front of him.

"Um so I was washing the dishes and some older guy came to the window saying he was Billy and to meet him out at lights out, so I was wondering if you want to come" he says fast.

"Wait, how can that be Billy, you just said he was older?" I asked grabbing freddy's hand and dragged him to sit down next to me on the bed.

"I honestly don't know. He just said that he was Billy and said that I asked him about flight and invisibility" he said still holding onto my hand.

"That's really wired" I said moving to where I was facing him. I was super close to him at this moment. Our eyes made contact with each others and we got into a daze. I could feel us both leaning in until I realized what was happening and I quickly stood up and walked across his room as I said.

"So do you think its Billy?" I said looking out the window as my heart was beating so fast.

"I want to say yes" he said in a sad tone.

"Well we have about 2 hours until we meet him, what are we going to do in the mean time?" I asks him as I turn to look at him.

"I'm pretty tired, do you want to rest?" He asked me.

I walked over to him again and climb into his bed it was big enough for the both of us and I felt as if I needed someone. Normaly I have Billy to snuggle up to next when I feel down. I laid down to where I was facing the wall.

Freddy's POV

"So do you think its Billy?" Khaleesi said quickly getting up living me on the bed as I sat there.
We were just about to kiss, what happen? Why did she pull away? Did I do something g wrong?

"I want to say yes" i said sadly. I wanted to kiss her, to be able to call her mine. And yes I know it's only been a few days of knowing her but I've just never meet anyone like her. She's beautiful, kind, loving, I can see the way she's hurting on the inside and i want to be the one who helps her. She was standing looking out the window as I watched her.

"Well we have about 2 hours until we meet him, what are we going to do in the mean time?" Khal asks turning around to look at me.

"I'm pretty tired, do you want to rest?" I ask her knowing that she's tired.

I didn't get an answer from her but she instantly walked to my bed and climbed on top of my, 'my' bed facing the wall.
Wow she is adorable, and it's strange how she got into my bed.

"I'm so sorry" she said ready to get out of my bed as if she realized what she had just done. "I'm so use to sleeping with my brother next to me most of the time. I just accidentally got into your bed. And I'm so sorry" she said mumbling, he checks turning pink.

"No no. You don't have to move. If it helps you sleep you can sleep next to me" I said looking at her. She was adorable when she gets flustered.

"If you wouldn't mind I'd like to sleep here " she said sitting back down.

"I don't mind" I say with the biggest smile on my face.

"No funny business!" She said pointing a finger at me.

She layed back down facing the wall again. I got in next to her after I turned off the light and lightly shut the door,I layed there facing the top bunk. I grabbed my phone and set a timer for 2 hours.

"I just set a timer for two hours" I said looking over at her.

"Ok, sounds good" she says slightly moving.

Khaleesi POV

I layed there facing the wall in complete silence. I couldn't tell if freddy was still up. I was getting tired at this point but I was stiffly laying against the wall. I felt comfortable and safe laying next to freddy. I wanted to be closer and I didn't know why. I get so confused with my feelings. I can't get attached, if Billy wants to leave I'll leave with him, I don't want to get my feelings hurt.

I lightly moved to where I was facing the top bunk. Both freddy and my shoulders were touching. I looked over to see that freddy was still awake.

"I'm sorry if this is awkward?" I say softly.

"Why would this be awkward" he said looking over at me.

"I just I don't know if this is me being to close to you or if you dont like this" I said looking at him dead in the eyes.

"I like this" was all he said before he rolled over facing me.

"What's your favorite book?" He asks me. It makes me giggle because the question came out of nowhere.

"The Great Gatsby. What about you?" I ask quietly.

"A summer to die" he says. "Favorite color?"

"Purple, what about your freddy?" I ask him

"Green, favorite movie?" He asks me. We both have gotten really close at this moment.

"The great Gatsby" I say giggling. "What about you?"

"Spider-man. What's your favorite thing about being here" he questions me.

I don't fully know how to answer that question. I like it a lot here. But my favorite thing here would have to be freddy. Hes so kind and sweet, he knows how to make me happy, he knows how to calm me down.

"Um, I don't fully know" I said looking down. He brought his hand up to move my hair out of my face, his fingers lingered on my cheek a few seconds longing make me blush.

"That's ok, it's only been a few days. I understand" he said moving his hand back to himself.

"How about you?" I asked him.

"My favorite thing at the moment is you" he said looking at me. Him saying that made my heart beat faster and faster. "Your so kind and sweet that you make me happy" he said blushing. I was blushing hard at this point and I couldn't find my smile coming onto my face.

"Stop your making me blush" I said covering my face.

Freddy's POV

"Stop your making me blush" she said bring her hands to cover her face.
She was so cute.

"I think we should sleep now" she said quickly hiding her facing in my pillow.

She had instantly fallen asleep. I layed there for about 10 minutes almost falling asleep, just as I was about to she pulled her self under my arms and snuggled closer.
I just layed there happily, knowing that the girl I am falling for is laying in my arms. I feel asleep right away.

Sorry this is shit. I'm not really good at this.

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