wheres billy!

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The school day was finally over!! It was so long and stressful. I had math without anyone I knew and it didn't help how i was anxious and nervous all the time.

I got everything ready to leave and went to find the front entrance where I found everyone waiting for me. 

"Hey, how was your first day" Mary asked coming up to me with a smile.

"Eh"i mumbled out walking out the front doors.

"Yeah first days are always the hardest" she said leading the way.

I could see Billy standing outside, I started to walk in the direction of him leaving the others behind.

"Hey" I said throwing my arms around my brother.

"Hey khal" he said hugging me back.

Both my brother and my attention was brought to a speeding black truck revving its engine as its coming down the road, it came to a stop but in the mix of that hitting freddy. Freddy was tossed to the ground.

"Oh my God, freddy!" I said running to help him up.

Two guys maybe around Mary's age came out slamming the door behind them.

"W-whats the- the hell is wrong w-with you" I stuttered out.

One of the guys picked freedy up and pinning him to the truck, the other one pushed me to the ground. I landed on my ass really hard.

"No way that's going to buff out!" The guy said.

"You going to pay for that thing?" He questioned.

"What! For the damage of almost hitting me? Yeah sure uh- you take these?" Freddy said, holding up his middle fingers giving them a chuckle, I was chuckling on the ground.

Mary came to help me up as the guys throw freddy onto the cement and proceeded to kick him multiple times.

"Stop it!" Both Mary and I screamed.

"Dont touch my brother" darla said with a pout.

"What you need your fake family and girlfriend to help you" they said still kicking him. If it wasn't for the situation that was happening I would be a blushing mess at that statement.

"Stand up for yourself loser" they yelled still kicking. I looked around to try and find Billy but I saw him walking away.

I ran and pushed one of the guys off of freddy, which made them madder but I crouched over him so I could also take the blows. I has thrown myself over him and the kicking never stopped, but once freddy knew I was the one shielding him I somehow managed to flip us to where he was on top of me shielding me.

"What you going to go home and cry to your mommy. Oh yeah you dont have a mommy" they said kicking him and I.

That got Billy's attention, Billy came back and started to beat the absolute shit out of them with freddy's crutch.

At this point freddy got off of me and Mary helped us up. Billy was long gone as the guys chased him.

"Omg are you guys ok" Mary asked taking us home right away.

Time skip

Billy was still missing, I was freaking out. Freddy had to take me to his room to calm me down.

"What- what if they killed him, what if he's lost!" I was pacing and shaking.

"Hey hey, he's strong he's ok" freddy said grabbing my hand leading me to sit down.

"Why did you jump on me?" He questioned looking at me.

"I was trying to help" u said looking at him in the eyes.

"Seriously, you put yourself in harm's way!" He said getting a bit irritated.

"What, I was trying to help" I said sharking away.

"But I can protect myself" he said calming down.

"I'm sorry" I whispered looking down.

"Its fine, ok its fine I just didnt want you to get hurt" he said.

"DINER!" rosa yelled.

Dinner was stressful, everyone sat in silence, the odd glance here and there. I couldn't take it anymore.

"May-may I be excused?", I said looking down.

"Of course sweetie" rosa said.

I went to my shared room and cried my eyes out.

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