"I Love you So Much"

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Bellamy "Mel?"

He kneeled down next to me and put a hand on my back.

Bellamy asked worried "Mel ? what's wrong?"

I shook my head "i'm fine"

Bellamy "Bullshit"

I tried to stand up. I looked at the monitor. They were drilling into Abby's leg.

Me "If we do this, there's no going back"

Clarke nodded at Monty "figure it out"

Monty nodded.

Someone was pounding against the door.

We looked at the monitor.

Clarke "He's here"

Monty "Jasper. They caught him"

He looked at another monitor.

I looked at another "They have Octavia"

She was standing in the dinning room. Guns pointed at her.

Clarke to Monty "Why are you stopping?"

Monty "Because i did it. All we have to do is pull this"

He pointed at a lever.

Monty "Hatches and vents will open, and the scrubbers reverse, pulling in outside air. "

Bellamy took his gun out and pointed it at the door "he's gonna blow the door"

Monty "Clarke, we're out of time"

Clarke put her hand on the lever.

Bellamy looked at the monitor.

Octavia was pressed down to the floor.

Bellamy "My sister. My responsibility"

Clarke "i have to save them"

I took a deep breath "And I'll always put my people first"

I put my hand over Clarke's on the lever. 

Bellamy put his hand over mine "together"

We nodded and pulled the lever.

I bit my lip. The alarm was going on. You could see people slowly burning down. Well, their skin was.

I saw Jasper free himself and running to Maya into the other room.

I let some tears fall. He was holding her and he was crying.

Emerson took off.

Clarke "Let's go get our people"

We walked to the dinning room. They were all dead. Parents, children, old people. All dead.

I sucked in a breath. I walked to Jasper. He was still a sobbing mess.

Jasper looked at Clarke and sobbed "What did you do?"

Clarke "we had no choice"

Jasper "i was gonna kill Cage. If you'd just given me one more minute, it would've been over"

Bellamy "Jasper, they never would've stopped"

I put a hand on Bell's arm.

He looked at me and i shook my head.

Clarke's voice broke "We have to go to the dorm"

Bellamy and Clarke walked away. 

Jasper looked at Monty and me with so much pain "how could you let this happen?"

Monty "i'm sorry"

Jasper snapped "Sorry? you're sorry?"

My voice cracked "Jasy-"

Jasper shook his head "don't, just don't"

Monty and i walked to the dorm.

I saw my dad "Dad?"

Then i ran to him and hugged him. I bit back a groan in pain.

Dad hugged back  "You're fine"

I nodded and started to sob.

Dad kissed my forehead.

I looked at him "I tried so hard. I tried so hard to not be like them"

Dad kissed my hair. I felt a hand on my back and saw Bellamy. Bellamy put his arm around my shoulders.

Dad put a hand on his shoulder and nodded "you did good"

Bellamy nodded "thank you, sir"

Dad "now let's get these people home"

Bellamy nodded "yes, sir"

Octavia walked to us"Where's Cage?"

Me "i think Lincoln got this"

She nodded.


We were all walking back to camp. Wick was carrying Raven. She was hit bad.

People were already walking inside.

I saw Clarke hugging Monty. Bellamy and i walked to them. Monty walked inside.

Bellamy "i think we deserve a drink"

Clarke "have one for me"

Me "You are not coming in, are you?"

Clarke looked at me and nodded "i am not going in"

I hugged her. She hugged me back.

Me "stay safe, Clarke"

She nodded "you too"

I walked inside. Dad and Abby walked to me.


Abby "How are you feeling?"

Me "How do you think?"

Abby "Jackson told me you've been coughing blood"

I nodded.

Dad "your mom coughed blood, too"

I raised an eyebrow "huh?"

Dad nodded "You got that from your mother"

I asked confused "why did she cough blood?"

Dad "Because of the stress. Her heart rate would go up and she would start coughing blood"

Me "Well, that's shit"

Abby nodded "Take it slow from now on."

Dad "in every way"

He gave me look. 

My jaw dropped and i started to blush .

Abby shook her head, amused "Marcus"

Dad nodded at something behind me. I turned around and Bellamy was walking to me

Dad and Abby walked away.

Bellamy put his hands on my cheeks and kissed me.

I put my hands on his chest and kissed back.

Bellamy then put his forehead on mine "i love you so much"

I smiled "i love you so much"

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