1.41 "It's Already Started"

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Next day.

I walked trough the corridors when i heard someone yell. They brought a guy into the Medical. I followed them.

Nyko was lying on a table. Abby was holding his bleeding wound. The others brought a guy in a special suit and put him on the table. I looked closer. His skin had burn marks.

I asked confused "Clarke, what the hell happened out there?"

Clarke "We need to keep him alive. There was a tear in his suit, but we fixed it in the field. "

Raven walked to us.

I looked at her "You heard anything from Bell?"

Raven shook her head "Sorry"

I sighed.

Clarke snapped "Then why aren't you with the Radio?"

Raven "Octavia just took my place. How about you back off?"

I started to cough "don't talk to her like that, Clarke. You need her"

Raven "thanks, Mel"

I nodded at her.

Jackson was going to take the guy's helmet off but Clarke stopped him.

Clarke "no. Leave it on. It's the only thing keeping him alive"

Jackson "Well, ho can we treat a guys if we can't touch him?"

Raven"i can rig up some scrubbers in the airlock. Give me 20 minutes"

Abby cursed "Damn it. I'm losing him"

Indra came in.

Abby yelled "i need the blood now. Move"

Nyko opened his eyes and made a strange noise. His head fell back.

I sighed.

Abby "he's gone"

Indra walked to him and took a knife out.

Indra "yu gonplei ste odon"

She cut his ponytail off.

She looked at Clarke "a killer lives while a warrior dies'? This is your way?"

I shook my head "normally not. But we need this guy to get to our people"

Indra looked at me "then let me make him talk"

Clarke shook her head "no. We're not torturing him"

Abby "Clarke's right. He might just talk because we saved his life"

Indra "you people are so weak."

She walked out.

I sighed and left.


I walked to Raven's room and saw her and Octavia sitting there.

Me "Can i join? "

Raven nodded "sure"

I sat down next to her and put my feet on the table.

Raven "you think your lover is alright?"

I shrugged "It's Bellamy but he knows how to get himself out of shit. Like his little sister"

I smiled at Octavia who showed me the finger.

The door opened and Jackson stood there.

Jackson "Mel, they need you. He's awake"

I nodded and stood up.

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