1.37 "You Have To Help Him"

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Next day. Morning.

I walked out of the front door and saw the two horseman leaving. Looks like Finn's gonna stay.

 I walked to Bellamy and Clarke.

Bellamy put an arm around me.

Someone shouted "movement on the tree light"

Someone else yelled "don't shoot!"

I asked shocked "Dad?"

Then i smiled.

He walked to us.

I ran to him and hugged him. 

He hugged me back "I'm so sorry, Mel. I never meant to hurt you like that"

i nodded and looked at him "It's ok. I forgive you, Dad"

Bellamy "Hate to interrupt but can't be out in the open. We need to get somewhere safe"

I turned to him.

Dad nodded "It's safe for the moment. Come on. we need to talk. I managed to buy us a bit of time. "

Him and Abby walked inside.

I followed them. We walked into the council room.

Abby "Where did they keep you?"

I sat down at the table. Dad sat down next to me.

Dad "The Commander's stronghold, i think. I wasn't a prisoner, but i wasn't allowed outside, either. Until they brought me up here last night with a bag over my head"

Me "Could've been your head in a bag"

He nodded. The door opened and two guards walked in with Jaha.

Dad stood up and saw the wire around Jaha's wrists.

He asked confused "What is this? What's going on?"

I chuckled "Funny story, actually "

Jaha "Apparently, the Chancellor thinks i'm a very dangerous man"

Abby to the guards "Wait outside. "

Guard nodded "Yes, Ma'am"

They walked out.

Abby "The former Chancellor is being detained for treason. No offense, Marcus, but i'm keeping the job until this is over"

Jaha looked at Dad"i would advise you not to fight her on this"

Me "How exactly did you buy us time, dad?"

Dad "i've gotten to know the Commander and i believe she'd be open to the right proposal"

Abby raised an eyebrow "What kind of proposal?"

Dad "We offer to put the boy on trail, ourselves. Here. For war crimes"

Abby raised her eyebrows  ""War Crimes"?"

Jaha "Abby, if we put him on trail, at least we will have control over the process and his treatment"

Abby "So, instead of letting the Grounders kill Finn, we would execute him ourselves?"

Dad nodded" That's a strong possibility"

Me "Abby, "

She looked at me.

Me "i know how hard this is. When we banished Murphy from the camp...we found him weeks later on our doorstep. I saw what the Grounders did to him. The fact that we have the chance to kill Finn ourselves it the most merciful outcome for him"

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