A beautiful memory

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I was playing with my favourite  doll in our backyard. My mother was making lemonade and apricot juice and my father was building our tree house.  My brother although only 6 year old was trying to help daddy with the tools,  messing even more in the process. That very evening he gave me this heart shaped locket his and mom's photo in it. I have worn it to this day. This was my happy memory, last memory of my father.
It has been 10 long years since he went missing. Mom forbids us to talk about it. I can understand  it brings her only pain.
I tried learning the facts of his disappearance from my relatives but it did not help me. I only learned that it was something  to do with his work.  He was scientist and was working on genetic mutation. This was the very reason I took up genetics as an extra subject in school.

I sighed. Those days were so beautiful days; days when I could be careless;  where I could smile without a heavy weight sinking me down. Walking to get the posts,  even this filled me with remorse.
As I went through the mail box,  trying to find whether my ticket for cruise had arrived yet,  I came across a strange red envelope with no address or title on it. 
As I opened it to read the letter inside, it sended a chill down my spine.  The letter stated

" To find what is lost you must follow my words. Find a red book in library on spiders and find the next clue.  "

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