Asking a Favor

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Every Thursday to honor the memory of Marco Polo[who founded sphagetti], we ate sphagetti in dinner. Just kidding!!  on thursdays my mom religously watched 'The bachelors' and sphagetti is easy to make.
The bell rang,  which was the signal of dinner being ready. My elder brother came up with the intelligant idea of hanging the bell near the stairs to avoid getting scolded each time for not answering  my mother, whenever  she called us for dinner.  I dragged my self through my room to go downstairs in the  kitchen.  I hated gym class and today was the day when I had to bear the consequences of marathon running.  People like me are made for poetry,  history and arts not gym class.

As I went down, my mom was already seated in front of our large tv and the show was on. So she will be out of the hearing or answering zone for next couple of hours.  I sighed and poured my self some sphagetti meat balls and sat at the counter,  sulking at the painful progress of the day.

As I dug in to eat a meat ball,  my fork broke in.  Yes! My mother was not the best of  cooks but atleast she made an effort to be.

" I can fix something  for you,  if you want" Danny offered.  Although  he was my elder sibling,  his antiques didn't  qualify him as a grown up,  as a result  of which he was attending a nearby community college not some great university.

"No thank you.  I don't  want our lovely house to get burnt down" I said taunting him.  He rolled his eyes and sunk besides my mother on the couch.  I sighed again and started eating.

Ring... Ring... my phone buzzed in my pocket.  Wondering who could it be this late at night as Martha slept early by 7 in evening and Matt doesn't  own a phone, I flipped it open. It was text stating 'Hi' from an unknown number.

  "Who could this be? " I asked my self as I typed the same question to this Mr.  Hi
"Ross Matthew  here.  I thought  you would have my number  as the entire school does.  I need a favor"
It jumped out of surprise first and then fear.  Favor?  What sought of?  Shit,  is it a sexual favour he is asking me?? Oh my god.  Mom and my brother  were still engaged  in tv,  they didn't  notice my jump.  I switched off my phone hastily  and went back to bed,  although  I knew sleep wouldn't come to me easily tonight.

Tell me what you guys think.  What favor could it be?

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