3 years later

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I'm getting better at destruction, but it seems that Ink is getting better at creating. He builds without ceasing and the pain in my head is a constant reminder to destroy. First it was one new Alternate Universe a day, then dozens, and  now almost hundreds.

In the beginning it seems he was only testing his powers, but then again so was I. I use my tears as strings to cause a destructive chain of events to occur. A house catches on fire, that spreads to the neighboring house, and so on and so forth.

And just like before, I push up my glasses along with the AU's code. As fast as a brushstroke, the code is deleted. The trees start to pixilated into nothingness. And I am about to leave this dimension to its own demise. But before I can take one step into the Anti-Void I hear a voice from behind me. "Well, turn around and shake my hand. Don't you know how to greet a new pal?" Another Sans. It took me a while to find out that we are all Sanses? Sansi? That doesn't matter, we are the same person from different universes that Ink had the bright idea to make.

I do turn around and he gets a good look at my nerdy glasses. "Ha, you look spec-tacular for being a mass murderer." He says coldly. His eye winks out and I look into the empty pits of blackness that are his eye sockets. He summons a bone from the ground and takes charge. I dodge as fast as he does and use my strings to block the incoming attacks.

It was a face paced attack because of how it ends. "THIS IS FOR MY BROTHER!" He screams. It's a valiant battle cry. And he is able to scratch my arm before he gets dusted. He was lucky he had a brother to fight for.

I wrap the scratch in string only because I don't want any blood getting into the white floors of the Anti-void. I shake the memory of what just happened away, but I still feel the guilt crawling on my back.

It was a new AU, there will always be more. And keeping balance also allows for some creations,I just can't let there be too many. I shake my fingers out, they feel tense from weaving the threads. I try to relax but there is always something to do. I'm not a workaholic, the work just drives me.

Sitting down, I try to recall the AU's that Ink holds close to his soul. Well there are a couple that he would sacrifice himself for, and I don't think I want that to happen. If the creator is destroyed, then the destroyer will have to create. And that CAN NOT happen. I don't think I have the ability to create after everything I have destroyed. That would just make my a hippo-crite. I laugh at my terrible joke. The hollow sound echos in the hollow void.

Threads of tears fall down and the loneliness in my soul aches. It's nothing new for a destroyer. Holding my head in my hands I whisper, "Where is my brother?"

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