The Amazing Letter

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  • Dedicated to Rachael E Noble

The Slayer's Entry


We reached the Owlery and I suddenly I remembered about Hedwig, Harry's owl.

'Oh, Harry...About your owl, I kind of...well she's okay, but...'

'What happened?'

'Well ...okay I knocked her out.' After the shocked look on his face I added, 'by accident of course!'

'As long as she'll be okay...We'll just have to use a school owl. I've got a quill and parchment here for you.'

'What are you old school or something?' He raised an eyebrow, 'What?'

'I mean, I like to live in the now...use a pen and paper...Sorry, forget it, thanks.'

I thought I felt myself turn a little red as I climbed the stone steps.

'I'll just wait here,' I heard Harry call from behind me. I quickly replied, 'sure' and admired the owls. I was cautious in case one of them happened to swoop down and bite me. I approached a little stone slab and knelt down to lean on it. The quill was a bummer, the ink kept dripping all over the place. But after persevering, I wrote:

Hey guys,

I hope you's are all safe. It awesome here! There's this massive castle, the staircases move, so do the portraits. Will, you would love it. It's good to have a break from the slaying but I miss you all so much!

Dumbledore, the wrinkled guy said I've to protect this boy wizard Harry, he seems alright. We are getting along. He needs knowledge on “battle” which I have enough of to go around. No vamps yet but who says they wont find a way in, they're like creepy-crawlies.

Voldemort sounds just like any other demon, I'm sure we'll have our face to face epic battle soon enough. It's all kinda strange though, like I'm in a completely different world. I feel like I'm from some famous TV show and I'm guest starring in a fantasy movie where Harry's the main character, like a fanfic corssover thing!

Dumbledore also said that he was talking with Giles about how to close the Hellmouth! Now, that would be a blast! I mean, we didn't even know this whole Wizarding World existed. But there's schools and everything.

Please write back soon, I want to hear about Sunnydale, how the Scooby Gang is and what this “Ministry of Magic” are doing about the slaying there. Just write a note and give it back to this owl. I chose a nice one,


(p.s. the bird bites)

I folded the note and attached it to the birds talon. I gave it a treat from a large pile in the corner, it nibbled my finger affectionately (ew!), and flew off to its far away destination. I had sent that to the Magic Box. They'd all get it. Then I began another letter after wiping my finger:


I've never missed you more. About the fight before we left, I'm so sorry. Can you forgive my bitchier side of self. The other part loves you so much. Xx


I drew a heart next to Angel and gave it gave to a second owl. Again, I gave this one a treat and it took off. I watched it until it faded away into the beautiful scenery. Then I heard Harry yell my name in terror. That was a record, I hadn't saved anyone's life for two days.

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