Week 4: Challenge 4 Date and Time Reminder and A Surprise!

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          Hey everyone! Excited since the Rewind Button? I know I am! That was such a twist! Congratulations to you all for making it to Week 4! Now, I just want to remind you that Challenge 4, will be taking place at 7 Pm, Eastern Time, US, for the Safety Challenge in which everyone will compete in all at the same time! And just letting you know I have one surprise for you! Someone is joining the show after i'm kicking someone out! And this person is getting kicked out for a huge reason. We have someone who was trying to steal my answer to a question in someone's Elimination Sensation, saying that my answer was there's! Luckily, the person who runs the show, told me and we got the person and we are eliminating this person from both of our games! This person is....
















@AVFireBlade9472! Sorry but I don't like people who try to steal my answers so you are eliminated! If you have a good combat to why you shouldn't be eliminated i'll let you back in, or in the final 12. Also, the last announcement is that someone is joining the show! And that is @BladeRunner! Welcome him to the show and everyone have a great time until tomorrow!!

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