Chapter 10: Losing You

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Cassie's POV

   My Grandma pulled my open wound together with her fields. I screamed in pain, she looked at me with sorry eyes as I screamed. When it was done, I was helped up by Doctor strange's clook. "Are you okay dear" grandma asked, I nodded. I felt the hairs on my arm stand up, I looked over to see Mr. Stark on his knees with the infinity stones. And he snapped...

   Tony Stark's POV

  I had taken the stones from the gauntlet, and looked to Strange. He put up on finger and nodded going back to fixing Cassie. I put them on my glove and felt the burning overwhelming feeling of it all. I remember Thanos said I am inevitable. And I said raising my fingers "I Am Iron Man" and I snapped my fingers.

  After that it was all a blur except for a couple of things.

  "Mr. Stark... Mr. Stark, please you don't have to go. We can help you, please don't go" Peter said coming over to me and hugging me while he cried. A little later Pepper had come over to me and asked Friday to read my vitals. I knew I was slipping, but before I do I want to see Cassie and tell her I'm sorry... about everything.

"We'll be okay Tony..." pepper said, I looked at her still feeling the pain. By the time I began to start fading, Cassie had come over crying. She threw herself down to my side. "M-Mr. Stark please, I'm sorry." She said crying into my armor. I used the remaining strength to pull pepper, Peter, and Cassie in for a hug and I let go...

  Cassie's POV

  I felt the life leave him, I let go a little and as soon as I got up Peter pulled me into a tight hug, and we both cried together....

   A week later

   I stood next to Peter and aunt May, as we all stood at the river, watching the coffin float down the river. I was doing my best to hold back my tears, after we watched Mr. Stark's message and he said

  "I want you all to know, that I want Cassie, and Peter if they are there to be a part of Morgan's life while she grows up. But I don't have a doubt that this won't work. And Steve I'm sorry for breaking the Avengers apart. But I know that Morgan will grow up and be amazing like her mother, and the two kids I know..." he said

  "But I love you all 3,000" Morgan held onto her mom some more before we all went our separate ways. But before we did me and Peter both held Morgan's hand walking around the farm land. Morgan was laughing and she stopped us. "Cassie, can you show me the web sticky again" I smiled and nodded with a little giggle.

   "Hey Morgan, you know something " she shook her head, and I said "Peter can also do this" me and Peter had bent down to Morgan's level and she jumped with excitement and a smile on her face. "Can Mr. Peter do it to please" Peter gave a sweet chuckle and said "well sense you said please" and we stood up.

  I shot my web to the roof of the house and Peter did the same but put Morgan onto his back and said "hold on tight okay" she nodded and Peter held Morgan up by her butt and we both pushed off the ground with our feet and made it to the roof of the farm house.

    We watched the sun as it went down with Morgan in between me and Peter. I leaned up against Peter and Morgan layed in Peter's lap, Peter gave me a kiss on the top of my head, we watched the sun until we heard quiet snores. I smiled and looked down seeing Morgan asleep. She rolled over into my lap, and I stroked her hair, and picked her up.

   Me and Peter attached a web to the side of the house and we went down. I went slowly holding onto Morgan as she slept. Her head on my shoulder and her arms around my neck, I landed softly on the ground me and Peter walked inside and layed Morgan down pulling the covers over her.

   Me and Peter walked out of the house saying goodbye to Mrs. Stark and we left. I didn't go home yet I went to go help Steve and everyone returned the stones. Steve was going to go and return them and then come back. But when I got there I set everything up.

   "Okay, just here, and up there, down more over and done" I said going over to Steve and taking his wrist, I put a bracelet on his wrist it expanded to make a clock and went back into the watch. Sam, Grandpa and Grandma were there me and Dr. Banner we operating. "Okay ready" I asked, and Steve nodded turning to grandma and grandpa.

  "See you on the other side" Steve said  said "we will, glad your taking all the stupid with you" grandpa and Steve went into a hug and said "punk" and "jerk" and Steve hugged my grandma. "Okay Steve, you have all the time you need, but to us it will be five seconds, good luck and steve" I said, he looked at me. "Love you" he smiled and chuckled "Love you too " and his suit expanded.

   I know what he's going to do and that's why I said that. I pressed the button and started counting down "5...4...3...2...1" and he wasn't back. I went over next to my grandparents and looked over at the log that was looking over the lake. I smiled and saw an older Steve, I walked over to him and sat next to him. He smiled and looked over at me.

  I sighed and he gave me a hug, "nice to see you again. I've missed you" I hugged him back "you were only gone for 40 years it wasn't that long" he smiled and chuckled "I missed your humor " I smiled and laughed a little. "How was your life, I see you got to grow old this time" he smiled and looked down still having an arm around me.

   By now Sam and everyone was around us. He moved a shakey hand to mine and I noticed his ring. "I have a feeling I know who you married "I said with a smile, he smiled "I bet you do, I just wished you could've met her" I smiled "who says I haven't " he smiled and shook his head.

   "Well, I had a life thanks to you Cassie. And I think, it's time to give you something " he said and taking out a covered circle thing. He unzipped it and pulled out his shield. He smiled while he gave it to me. "Take good care of New York. After all this is our home, try it out" I took it and put it on.

   "How does it feel" I sighed looking down at it. "It doesn't feel like mine, it feels like someone else's " I said trying to not cry at this point. He smiled sadly at me "well, make it your own, I have great memories with this shield, it's your turn to make new memories" I nodded and feel into his arms hugging him and letting tears fall down my face.

   When we pulled away he wiped my tears, "I won't let you down" I said he smiled with a light chuckle "I know you won't"....

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