Chapter 5: Time Travel

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Cassie's POV

   We were able to convince Doctor Banner but he said only if I would help him with it. Which I said yes because we so badly need to do this. We were setting up the machine and I was standing next to Steve and Nat.

  I breathed in and started typing in the cordnets on the keyboard. "Okay ready Scott " Banner said. He gave a thumbs up and put a particular piece in his belt and went down but came back up "we only have one test run" I facepalm my head and shook.

  "We are going five years ago, see if this works" I said, I was waiting for a sign to press the button. "Leaving in 3...2...1" and I pushed the button, "bringing him back in 3....2...1..." and I pressed the bottom.

  Old Scott came back, "what. " banner said, he started button mashing. Scott went back and came back again a baby. "That's not wright" banner said starting to button mash more "he's a baby" I sighed and pushed banner out of the way and set back the Wright dates. And Scott came back normal sized.

  "My pants are wet, I don't know if that was old me or baby me" I shook my head, I went down on my knees and hit my head slightly on the table. Steve put his hand in front of my head  and I layed my head back against his legs. "Take a break guys"Steve made me look up at him. "Come on let's go outside" he helped me up and put an arm around my shoulders.

   When we got outside we were standing next to the door. "Cassie, why do you worry so much about Tony not doing this" I sighed and looked down "it's stupid, everything about me is stupid" Steve sighed, he looked at me. I avoided his gaze, "hey Look at me " I didn't he took his big hand and lifted my chin.

   "You know, Cassie you remind me a lot about Bucky's girlfriend " I looked at him. "She was strong, independent, and she let people stereotype her. She was put into a category. Her category was beautiful, that's all she was too people. She believed it, people told her she wasn't smart when she out started me, and I was a straight A student. Bucky saw the potential she had, and told her all of the things she represented." He paused to look at me.

  "I see the same thing Cassie felt, and let me tell you back then woman were housewives, I didn't like thinking like that. But Cassie and peggy both changed that, they both joined the army, I didn't even know peggy until I joined. I remember that before I went into the ice Cassie had gone on a mission with peggy, she didn't come back only peggy. Hydra had taken her, they did experiments, brainwashed her and she was turned into Ms. Sonic. Someone just like the winter soldier." He had looked down.

   "But Cassie, she talked negatively about herself just like your doing now. And let me tell you another thing, you feel like a daughter to me. The daughter I never had, and if I did have a daughter, I would want her to be like you. Smart, beautiful, kind, and Caring, but most importantly Brave. I would like her to be like you. And if you asked me to change one thing about you I would say your self doubt, because you don't need all of it." Steve said.

  I had started tearing up, "if you were my daughter back then I would tell you not to get stereotyped. Not like Cassie did, and if you do Get yourself a man, that likes you for who you are, and I have a pretty good idea of who it is" he said with a smile, by now he had put his hand on my shoulder.

  "I wish you were my dad, I think you would be a great dad truth is I don't even know who my parents are. All I know is that, you won't believe me what I'm going to say" Steve smiled "I talked to a raccoon I'm pretty past not believing." I nodded and pulled up my grandma's picture. "Is this Cassie" I asked he nodded.

   "Hazel run DNA of me and Cassandra Gray" I said, Hazel did and it showed that we were related. "Okay that's woah" Steve said, so in the past Bucky and Cassie had a kid, and then their kid had another kid which is you" I nodded.

  I tapped on the picture, and Grandma's blue eyes shined throw the black and white picture. "What happened to her" I asked Steve, he leaned against the post holding up the building. "Her and Bucky were brainwashed, and controlled, Bucky was a super soldier, and he has killed a lot of people because of Hydra." I nodded.

   "And Cassie, was the same way except she had powers, she had force fields and a scream. I still remember seeing them too this day. " Steve paused, "cassie and Bucky were both sent on a mission to kill me. But they couldn't they remembered, and then they went to wakanda to go into cryo freeze so they wouldn't hurt anyone else." By now we were sitting on a bench.

   "And when Thanos had come to take the stones, they faught by my side, too the end of the line" he said with a sad sigh. "My grandparents sound really nice, I wish I could've met them" Steve nodded "well, if we find a way to bring everyone back then you can meet them" I nodded, "but how, we need to actually build a better time machine, and Mr. Stark won't help-" I was cut off as a grey car raced into the parking lot.

  "Hello" Mr. Stark said. I folded my arms, "I figured it out, time travel" I shook my head. "I did too, Mr. Stark "....

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