Chapter 40

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Warning: fluffly scene coming up – not too bad though. I'd say T-rated, 13PG... nothing like Fifty Shades of Grey.

Artis woke up in an empty bed, though it didn't bother her that much. She figured Brynjolf was out getting everything ready for the wedding in a few hours. She cuddled the pillow he used the previous night and found that his scent was still on it; leather and mead. Her stomach filled with butterflies when thinking that she would wake up with his scent all over her for every morning from now on. She sighed contently and curled up in a ball, enjoying the warmth and comfort of the bed.

Then, all of a sudden, the door burst open and footsteps marched in, "Hey! What is it with all this lazing about? We have legs to shave, hair to do, weddings to get ready for!"

Artis groaned when recognizing Vex's voice from the door.

"Aw, look at her." Sapphire cooed, "So cute, all snuggled up in her blankets and cuddling her pillow. Tonilia, a little help if you will?"

Before Artis could wonder with what Sapphire could need help with, the blankets were roughly pulled off her by none other the Redguard thief, leaving Artis in only her cotton shirt and underwear.

"Hey!" the Dragonborn protested and used her pillow to cover herself.

"Oh, look, she's awake." Sapphire smiled satisfyingly.

"And not a moment too soon." Artis was surprised to see Karliah emerging from behind the other women, "We have a wedding to get ready for."

"But it's so early." She nagged but they ignored her flat.

Artis was literally yanked out of her bed and pushed through the cistern towards the wash room, still in the little clothes she slept in. Niruin, Vipir and Etienne were a few of the lucky men to see her passing by, but Sapphire sent them a warning look, daring them to even think as much as whistling at her. They kept their mouths shut.

Once in the wash room, Artis received the full treatment. They washed her hair, scrubbed her body, shaved her legs, did painful things to her eyebrows, made her apply lotions and oils on her body and finally, did her hair – or argued on who was doing her hair. Eventually Sapphire won the battle and Vex and Tonilia had to be satisfied with doing her makeup. Artis felt as if they strapped her to a chair with the force she was pushed down with. Vex set to work and applied some tint and shades to the Dragonborn's eyes while sapphire worked a brush through her wild hair.

"Shit!" Tonilia cursed from the bed and perked up, "What are you going to wear? We never even thought about the dress!"

Artis pointed behind her, "Last closet. It's the only thing in it."

Tonilia and Karliah shuffled towards the closet and the Redguard nearly threw it open. They both inhaled, causing the other two thieves to turn around to look.

"Now this is a dress." Karliah commented as she carefully took the dress out.

It was the emerald dress Artis wore at the Thalmor Embassy when she caused that brilliant diversion. She felt like it was a lifetime ago. Vex and Sapphire finished their work and Artis was told to get dressed. And no, they didn't give her privacy, just stood there watching while she slipped the dress over her head.

"Don't know about you girls, but Brynjolf will totally forget his vows." Sapphire smirked.

"I'm willing to bet on that." Karliah added.

Tonilia interrupted the moment by telling them that it was almost noon and they needed to get to the temple. Again, Artis was dragged along with Tonilia and Vex at the front, while Karliah and Sapphire followed to make sure her dress wouldn't get caught on anything.

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