Chapter 22

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Brynjolf groaned as he woke. The bed felt different, softer than his usual bed. He swore if Vipir switched his matrass again, he's going to kill him. After opening one sleepy eye, he found that the room was different as well. It was decorated. And fancy. But the thing that was way beyond different, was the other person in the bed with him. For the first time Brynjolf noticed that the lass was lying next to him – or more holding on to him for dear life as she slept. He raised both eyebrows at how amusing she looked. He never took her for the snuggle type.

Brynjolf then remembered the previous day and how they ended up sharing a bed. He also remembered her struggling to sleep, first growing uncomfortable on her one side and after feeling uncomfortable in her Guild armor. At some point she even changed into more comfortable clothes and tried to fall asleep again. He smiled when thinking that she thought he was asleep, but he was very much awake while she was still tossing and turning. Brynjolf could brag about his ability to fake sleeping, because the lass didn't suspect him of anything. At some point he threw his leg over her and spooned her closer. He could tell she was beyond tense and even tried to move away, but he had a death grip on her. It was a pleasant feeling, when he thought about it.

Brynjolf was a flirt when it came to women, but only to get close enough to slip their amulets off the necks and to kiss away the rings on their fingers. But he never was the kind of man who seduced women for his own pleasure. He looked down at the lass and smiled gently, noticing that she was also waking up. Quickly he closed his eyes again and faked sleeping.

Artis jolted awake and immediately knew where she was. When seeing that she was clinging on to Brynjolf in her sleep, she dropped her arms and pushed herself up. How did it come to this? She never cuddles! Artis breathed in relief when seeing that Brynjolf was still asleep. Good, because if he caught her snuggling him he'll never let that story drop. He'd use it to blackmail her in the future. She rolled out of bed and eyed Brynjolf one more time to make sure he was sleeping, then started dressing up in her armor – oblivious to Bryn sneaking a peek now and then.

By the time she was done dressing up, she threw Brynjolf with a pillow to wake him up, "Bryn! Come on, wake up. We need to go. Bryn!"

The redhead acted drowsy, "Wha-?"

"Riften's a long journey. We need to start moving."

He dragged himself out of bed and started undressing right in front of her to change into his spare set of armor.

Artis was just in time to turn around before his pants hit the floor, "A fair warning would've been nice!"

"Oh, come on, lass." Bryn spoke with a laugh, "Don't tell be you've never seen a man naked before?"

"Boys." She corrected, "I've seen boys naked. Not men!"

Artis tensed when his presence was suddenly right behind her. His bare chest pressed slightly against her back and she noticed that he smelled like a mixture of leather and ale. It was an addicting scent, like fresh rain on dirt and vanilla in boiled crème treats.

"You think I'm manly enough, lass?" his gruff voice suddenly spoke next to her ear, sending a shiver down her spine, "Do I... qualify as one in your eyes?"

Artis opened her mouth to speak, but no words came out. She tried again but in vain. What was this man doing to her? She wanted to press her back against his chest, tilt her head to the side and just let him...

Artis was shocked at her own thoughts and stepped away from her fellow thief, "Brynjolf, dress up and put some pants on. We need to go."

The two thieves decided to take a carriage to save them some time and energy. Artis couldn't bare it to look Brynjolf in the eye, still feeling awkward about everything that happened that morning – especially by what she almost saw. Bryn, on the other hand, never took his eyes off her. Every time she would look up, he would stare at her, smile and she'd blush and look away. By the time they've reached Whiterun, Artis paid the driver and signaled Bryn to follow her. It was already sunset, since they woke up late and the driver had to change a wheel on the carriage, which took a while.

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